Films from Literature ENG 2400

Document 4 Classwork for Sept. 11

Please follow this sequence. These tasks should take approximately 2.5 hours altogether,
including your posting.

1. Then watch the presentation “Cinema II f20.avi”’s%20class%20presentaions?previe

(It picks up where last week’s presentation ended with characters facing the audience.)
90 min.

2. Then, as you did last week, please answer the following

a. Name three different things you feel you learned.

b. Mention something you liked about the presentation.

c. Ask at least one question that now comes to mind about this presentation.

3. Next, please watch the presentation called “Sexual Symbolism.avi.”’s%20class%20presentaions?preview=Sexua
l+Symbolism.avi                                                                                41 min.

4. Then, please answer the following

d. Name two or three different things you feel you learned.

e. Mention something you liked about the presentation.

f. Ask at least one question that now comes to mind about this presentation.

Enjoy the videos…

NOTE: Next week there is a quiz on the novel Lolita. Then we will see the first made of the
two film versions – all this in connection with our first essay due in a few weeks. You will
request the quiz, which I will email you. You should take it before watching the two complete
Lolita films because the questions are designed to see that you have read the book and the film
versions often change details.