Films from Literature ENG 2400 Spring 2024 0565

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  • Feb. 20 Lolita. I just met a girl named Lolita.
  • #89696

    Prof. Masiello

    This video is less than 3 minutes long:

    Q: Before our class, were you aware that Lolita was a book or a movie?

    Q: Had you heard the word “Lolita” in a sexual context before our class?

    Q: If you have heard the song “Don’t Stand So Close to Me” and/or seen the two DC films Birds of Prey and Batman Vs. Superman (brief clips  shown here), did you even wonder about their references?

    Let us know…

    Also, please comment on this question:

    You are looking for a one-page pdf called Charlotte’s clothing.


    Mu Song

    1. Prior to this class I never heard of Lolita as a book or as a movie.
    2. No I haven’t heard of “Lolita” used in a sexual context prior to this class however in anime and Japanese culture there is the word loli which is little girls which could be derived from Lolita.
    3. I’ve never heard the song or watched Birds of Prey but I did watch Batman Vs. Superman movie but I never understood what that was a reference to or if it even was a reference

    Charlotte’s Clothing
    I think the reason behind the animal prints on Charlotte’s clothing before he marries Humbert is supposed to represent how she’s kind of like an animal choosing her prey or could represent some animalistic instincts that she’s very interested in Humbert.

    Good responses, Mu.



    1. Before this class, I never knew the book or the movie Lolita.
    2. No, I have never heard the word ‘Lolita’ in a sexual context before but the Joker scene from the movie “Suicide Squad” saying ‘you are my lions’ surprised me because I always wondered what that meant.
    3. No, I have never seen the movie or heard the song.
    4. When Charlotte wears a leopard print, before getting married to Humbert, it can show that she is on a hunt looking for her next sexual partner. Although she is not that confident around Humbert and has insecurities, she does try to be seductive.



    Alyssa skerret

    1) Before this class, I wasn’t aware of the novel or the film Lolita.

    2) No, I haven’t but seeing the Joker from Suicide Squad took me by surprise because I never knew (before this class) that he was referencing Nabakov’s novel when he said “fire of my lions.” And what makes it more surprising is knowing about the context of where that reference came from.

    3) I never heard of the song “Don’t Stand So Close to Me” but after hearing the lyrics I wondered why did they referenced Nabakov’s novel. Was this song written because of the novel and similar real-life issues that reflect it?  It is a terrific, catchy song about a young teacher’s attraction to a female student.  It is a classic rock/new wave song.   You can find it online…   The reference assumes listeners know of this classic book.

    4) Charlotte’s clothing leopard prints symbolize seduction as she tries her best to make Humbert fall in love with her. When she wears her leopard patterned dress, she seduces Humbert who has no interest at all because he’s thinking about Lolita.   Yes!


    Tshari Yancey

    1. I have heard of the book & movie of Lolita but never read or watched due to the subject.

    2. Never in a sexual context but I believe a sitcom I have heard the reference when a character was dating someone younger than they were.

    3. I knew the reference of the song ‘Don’t stand so close to me’ from glee. In the episode a student had a crush on her teacher and started being inappropriate with him so he sung her that song hoping she would get the hint to stop.

    Using animal prints for some of Charlotte’s clothing before marrying Humbert represents her ambitiousness in chasing him. A form of seduction the print is risquĂ© and it’s all she starts to wear when wanting to be exclusive with him and revealing to him her sexual side when she wasn’t modest.

    These are excellent answers, Tshari!


    Angel Padilla

    1. Before our class, I was aware about Lolita being a book that eventually turned into an adaptation. I was aware of the 1990’s version but I wasn’t aware of the fact that it was a remake

    2. I remember my literature teacher from high school previewed a snippet of the book to his class and he read the first couple of sentences of the book. It really struck me at first and made me deeply uncomfortable immediately after when my literature teacher explained the context behind it.

    3. I haven’t heard of the song “Don’t Stand So Close To Me” and I have seen both Birds of Prey and Batman Vs. Superman. I never seemed to notice any of the references that were pointed out in the video but it was pretty interesting to know about them.  You bring up a good point, Angel:  the more we know, the more we appreciate things.  The next time you see those films, you are “in the know.”     I recommend that song.  It is a classic and a very catchy ear worm.

    4. I think the cheetah prints in Charlotte’s clothing pretty much represent her feelings of her status in the relationship. Her cheetah print clothing can be symbolic of how cheetahs lure in her prey where in this case, Charlotte is trying to seduce Humbert.


    Bryan Jimenez

    1. Before this class, I was never aware of the book/film “Lolita.”
    2. No, I have never heard of “Lolita” used in a sexual context before our class.
    3. I have never heard of the song “Don’t Stand So Close to Me” but I did watch Batman vs. Superman although I never understood what the reference meant.
    4. I think the costume designer for Lolita used animal prints in some of Charlotte Haze’s clothing in various scenes before Humbert marries her as a form of symbolism of ‘seduction’ as if an animal is trying to lure in their prey, Charlotte is trying to seduce Humbert.

    Good!    It is possible that you will hear her name used sexually now that you know though it may depend on the contexts.  A newscaster is more likely to mention it than a group of young friends.



    1) I was not aware
    2) Only after researching, but not before our class
    3) I did not hear the song but I did watch the movie, this reference flew over my head
    4) The director’s choice of design exemplifies how Charlotte is ambitious, we often see her take action instead of wait. When she marries Humbert she leaves a note and forces him to make a decision, to leave or to remain if he truly loves her

    Charlotte’s ambition is to get married!



    1) Before this class i never heard about the book, movie or the word Lolita.
    2) I never heard the word Lolita in any context before.
    3) I never heard of that song before. I have watched both movies but never knew those lines had any references or meanings.
    4) The leopard print can mean many different things depending on the perspective of the person. To me it means that Charlotte was on the hunt for a relationship with Humbert.

    Possibly because of this famous book, there are real people with the name “Lolita.”  There’s an actress named Lolita Davidovich and a singer named Loleatta Holloway (who worked with Mary Mark).  No doubt there are others…


    Angel Ordonez

    Q: Before our class, were you aware that Lolita was a book or a movie?

    I was not aware of “Lolita’s” existence what so ever before this class.

    Q: Had you heard the word “Lolita” in a sexual context before our class?
    After seeing the presentation, I realize that I have heard of “Lolita” being used in a sexual content, however, I was not aware of it.

    Q: If you have heard the song “Don’t Stand So Close to Me” and/or seen the two DC films Birds of Prey and Batman Vs. Superman (brief clips shown here), did you even wonder about their references?

    To be honest, I never wondered of such a thing.

    Charlotte’s Clothing Question:
    Animal prints can be used to sexualize an object or person. Leopard print is often used for such cases. That’s why, at times, my date might wear leopard print. It’s now wired in us and brings about A sexuality that lays in the usb conscious.




    <span style=”font-family: ‘Open Sans’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;”>Q: Before our class, were you aware that Lolita was a book or a movie?</span>

    I had not seen the film or read the book before. But had you even ever heard of it?   There are famous works of literature I know about but have not read…

    <span style=”font-family: ‘Open Sans’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;”>Q: Have you heard the word “Lolita” in a sexual context before our class?</span>

    I don’t believe I have but if I did it most likely flew right over my head.

    <span style=”font-family: ‘Open Sans’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;”>Charlotte’s Clothing Question:</span>

    Leopard print is usually a representation of sex or a presumptuous woman. I’m not sure how it came about but I’m sure that they were showing that she was trying to seduce him.  Yes.   


    Kenneth Cao

    1. Before this class I never knew that “Lolita” was a book or movie.
    2. I haven’t heard of “Lolita” being used in a sexual context however I’ve heard a similar word in Japanese called “loli” which is related to little girls which can also be related to sexual context.  I wonder if the “loli” word derives from Lolita.  It seems likely, wouldn’t you say?
    3. I have not seen “Don’t Stand So Close to Me”  [It’s a music video] or “Birds of Prey” and “Batman vs. Superman”.   Do you have something against DC, Kenneth!?   : )
    4. Leopard prints are used to symbolize sex and desire to seduce a target, similar to a leopard when they look at their prey.   Yes.


    Naureen Asha

    <p dir=”ltr” style=”line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;”><span style=”font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; color: #000000; background-color: #ffffff; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;”>1. Before this class, I was never aware that Lolita was a book or movie.</span></p>
    <p dir=”ltr” style=”line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;”><span style=”font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; color: #000000; background-color: #ffffff; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;”>2. No, before our class I have never heard “Lolita” in a sexual context anywhere.</span></p>
    <p dir=”ltr” style=”line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;”><span style=”font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; color: #000000; background-color: #ffffff; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;”>3. I have not heard the song “Don’t Stand So Close to Me” but I did watch Batman Vs. Superman but I never observed the references that were reflecting in there.</span></p>
    <p dir=”ltr” style=”line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;”><span style=”font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; color: #000000; background-color: #ffffff; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;”>4. I think the costume designer used the animal print to portray how before marrying Humbert, she is trying to manipulate and present an interest towards him as he is her target just like animals choose their prey.</span></p>

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