active 3 years, 7 months ago
This Course Profile is PRIVATE, but the Course Site is OPEN to all visitors.
Course Code
ESL 021W
Semester / Year
Fall 2020
Course Description

Together we will focus on developing language, and academic reading and writing skills. Students will practice reading for comprehension as well as drafting, revising and summarizing skills. They will polish their grammar with a focus on creating academic level complex sentence structure while avoiding sentence fragments and run-ons. Students will work extensively on paragraph and essay organization, and on writing multiple drafts of proofread, edited and reedited essays. They will also learn to read more deeply and with better developed comprehension skills and strategies for improve those skills.


This course was created by: Gertzog 'sEnglish

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Blog of Monday November 30. I consider the worst conditions are gun violence. Gun violence is a […] See MoreComment on "Hello 021"

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According to the article, " What If We All Coming Back," Michele Alexander indicates that If […] See MoreComment on "Hello 021"

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I consider the worst condition in the world is starvation. On the planet people are so many but […] See MoreComment on "Hello 021"