Eportfolio Responses

  • View document Grey Scale  

    Uploaded by Michael Davis Jr. on May 26, 2016

    Description: All of these projects that dealt with the paint and gave me a challenge because of my impatience personality. And the gray scale presented one of the biggest challenges because of the patience that was needed to create the transitions from White through gray to Black in 9 total steps. My first go at the project was a disaster because once again, I feeling myself to already be an artsy person handled the project with too much haste and speed believing that I could skip over some steps such as test strips and dealing with each of the nine colors independently. I tried to send that in and that was immediately looked at and told it cannot be accepted and needed to be done over. After spending two weeks to work on it where I had to constantly keep going back and doing certain parts over handling the assignment with much more patience, I came to a finish project where there is a 9 step transition from white to black that flows pretty smoothly. Of course it could be improved and even transitioned better but this assignment taught me to be patient with my work and handle my work with much more care and precision.<br /> <br />

  • View document Square Meaning  

    Uploaded by Michael Davis Jr. on May 26, 2016

    Description: This assignment at first gave e difficulty because of the literal way I approached thus class to begin with. This was one of the first assignments so I still handed assignments as a regular ā€œjust get it doneā€ way. I didnā€™t explore, open my mind, or look at it in any abstract way, and this presented challenges to begin with. I had to treat this project with a childlike mindset, setting my mind free of logic and play with the squares in front of me, moving them in ways that creatively defined the terms. At first, because I felt I was an artist, my creativity was already very imaginative, so the disapproval of my first works frustrated me. After re-doing the piece about 3 times, I finally feel I was able to catch on to the ideas presented.<br /> <br />

  • View document Lines Project  

    Uploaded by Michael Davis Jr. on May 26, 2016

    Description: This was the very first assignment of the class and presented me my first insight into my frustration with my creativity. I first tackled this assignment believing that my work would be impressive because of me being an artist and feeling I was creative. My first idea was turned down due to the lack of change and lines Direction, the lines didn't create enough movement and there was no variation in the lines. At first hearing all this aggravated me, because I thought to myself what do you mean there isn't any movement in my lines how do lines show movement. At this point in time, I realized I was very limited in my craft and creativity to the idea. After a few times with working with the idea I finally came to my finished piece which was praised for the creativity and the lines changing and moving. Instead of tackling the assignment I needed to First tackle myself and break the boundaries I had within myself, at first with the project.