Entertainment Technology Student Resources

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Entertainment Technology Publications, Resources, Trade Organizations and Mailing Lists

Live Show Production

Live Design magazines are a major source for information in the US on the business of entertainment technology.  Live Design Magazine, LDI Trade Show Great compendium of lighting links.  Lighting Links This is an excellent magazine devoted only to LIVE! sound.  Live Sound! Magazine This is a new entertainment technology magazine that is free.  Pro Lights and Staging News An excellent publication of PLASA that covers lighting and sound.  Lighting and Sound America Magazine A business-oriented trade publication of PLASA.  Protocol Magazine

Entertainment Industry Organizations

The Audio Engineering Society is the organization for the serious audio engineer. Some of our ST faculty are AES members.  Audio Engineering Society (AES) ESTA is the primary trade association for live entertainment technology wold wide.  Entertainment Services and Technology Association (ESTA) IAAPA is the trade organization for themed entertainment and the amusement industry, including everything from rides to hot dog machines.  International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA) The ILDA is the entertainment Laser industry trade association.  International Laser Display Association (ILDA) The MMA is the manufacturer’s organization, which creates and, publishes MIDI standard. MIDI Manufacturer’s Association (MMA) This is the national trade associations for systems contractors. Our department is an NSCA member.  National Systems Contractor Assocation (NSCA) The TEA is active in themed entertainment, including theme parks, themed retail, etc.  Themed Entertainment Association The USITT is the primary organization for academic theatre. Our department is an organizational member of USITT.  US Institute for Theatre Technology (USITT) Infocomm is the primary trade association for the A/V industry.  InfoComm

Forums and Mailing Lists

A general interest mailing list for scenery, lighting, sound and other entertainment technologies open to all:  Stagecraft Mailing List A general interest mailing list for live sound, especially for theatre open to all:  Theatre Sound Mailing List An advanced list related to show control (connecting systems together):  Show Control Mailing List  Control Booth Forum  Light Network  Pro Sound Web Forums