Enjoy the Jounrney

active 6 months, 2 weeks ago
Enjoy the Jounrney
This Project is OPEN.
School / Office
Technology & Design
Computer Engineering Technology
Project Description

Utilizing the framework of the game, GTA 5, we can develop a game with equal success.

Project Contact


This project was created by: James

Recent Posts


Target Audience: The game will be rated M for mature (ages 17+), the target audience will be […] See MoreMarketing

Video Proposal Presentation

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDO7vWS2iQ4&ab_channel=ProfileName See MoreVideo Proposal Presentation

Value Proposition

Freedom: Ability to act out your impulsive thoughts, have no consequences, and be the “main c […] See MoreValue Proposition

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