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You are currently viewing a revision titled "Summary on Despite Setbacks", saved on December 14, 2015 at 11:16 pm by Sunny
Summary on Despite Setbacks
The article is about former president Bill Clinton and the mayor, Michael Bloomberg promise to become more green. The article is mainly revolved around Bloomberg as he attempted to raise awareness for New Yorkers to become more green. The term becoming “green” refers to becoming more environmentally friendly and conserving more to effect the environment in a positive way. The big project Bloomberg worked on was called, PlaNYC. PlaNYC is Michael Bloomberg’s environmental agenda which sets out to reduce carbon emission which can be harmful to the environment. The factors that are talked about from the effects of PlaNYC is about the disappointments, the successes, and updating to 2.0.

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December 15, 2015 at 4:16 am Sunny