English 2001: Introduction to Literature I Fiction

active 1 months, 1 weeks ago
English 2001: Introduction to Literature I Fiction
This Course Profile is OPEN but membership is by invitation. You must be a member of the Course to view the Course Site.
Course Code
Semester / Year
Fall 2017
Course Description

Together, we will learn the elements of fiction and practice close reading through various short stories and two post-apocalyptic novels that explore notions of identity, storytelling, and imagining other possibilities/worlds. In particular, we will consider how the texts’ settings constrain their narrators, and how these narrators make sense—through language—of their lives when they don’t always have control over what happens to them. We will pay close attention to how these narrators constantly revisit, revise, and re-imagine their stories, blurring the lines between fiction and fact, and re-shaping the plots, themselves, and their worlds in the process.

“Analysis and critical understanding of selected fiction. Exams and essays based on readings.”


This course was created by: Jill Belli

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