English 1121 Journey

  1. Purpose of your writing?

I want my audience to connect with what I’ve been through and be able to tell their story and how they either dealt with it how if they didn’t.

  1. Audience

My audience is more of a teenage crowd and the teenagers who been through the same thing. Also, adults who been through the same situation and, forgot how it felt to be disrespected. Possibly for being different or younger then who ever is disrespecting them.

  1. Genre

Personal Narrative

  1. Stance

To show parents, cousins, and friends that sometimes their actions can affect the ones close to them. Disrespectfulness comes a long way and can eventually make you lose a special bond between a parent and their child. A relationship between cousins and friends can get cut off with just a bad talk or with lack of respect.

  1. Media and Design

The essay is written in a way to explain what each group of people do or act when they are being disrespectful.

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