English 1121 Journey

Terry Swearingen once said, “We are living on the planet as if we have another one to go to,” Pollution has a big impact in the world. Not only it affects animals, but it affects humans too. Types of pollution are the gas that is put in our cars and it going out into the air, oil spills, hair spray, and littering. Littering is what interests me the most only because littering is what I see more. There is not one place in New York that doesn’t have garbage in the streets. Littering doesn’t only mean seeing trash on the sidewalk or the street but it’s also about seeing garbage in the water. Garbage like, plastic bags, plastic bottles, bottle caps, lighters, and more are founded in the water. It harms animals like whales, penguins, and turtles.

Whales are one of the biggest sea animals in the world that we know of. People can go whale watching and enjoy the show, but what people don’t know is there are people who throw garbage into the streets and waters. “If you live hundreds of miles away from the coast, it probably never occurs to you that the plastic bag or cup lid that you toss into the gutter might make its way into the Atlantic or the Pacific. Somewhere between 40,000 and 110,000 metric tons of plastic waste generated by Americans ends up in the ocean”(Kiger 1). Whales were found dead on beaches not only because of boats but also because of the trash we put in the streets, that then goes into the water and could possibly be clogging the whales air hole causing them to drown. Whales aren’t the only animals to be harmed with all the trash.

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