English 1121 Journey

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Outline of Personal Narrative Essay
Introduction: Introduce the theme and the main focus of the essay.Have the attention getter which may start with a question that related to the topic like for ex : have you ever been disrespected by a family member or a close friend?” Then introduce the subtopics. For ex: “my parents, my cousins, and my friends.” Explain what disrespecting is and then transition into the first body paragraph. Paragraph 1: Who disrespected me? How did my parents disrespect me? Why did they disrespect me? Why do I feel like they disrespected me? When? How old was I when I began to feel disrespected? What made then disrespect me? Did I do something? Say something? How did it make me feel?   Paragraph 2: Who disrespected me? How did my cousins disrespect me? Why did they disrespect me? Why do I feel like they disrespected me? When? How old was I when I began to feel disrespected? (mention bullying) What made then disrespect me? Did I do something? Say something? How did it make it feel?   Paragraph 3: Who disrespected me? How did my friends disrespect me? Why do I feel like they disrespected me? When? What made them disrespect me? What did I do to deserve this type of disrespect? Was I not a good friend? Were they immature?   Conclusion: Restate all the subtopics. Ex: parents, cousins, friends. Bring back the thesis to remind the reader why I said what I said in the essay. Did I do something about it at the end? Is it still happening? Did I ever stand up to them? If I didn’t then why? Am I still talking to these people? If I’m not, was it a good or bad decision?

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May 24, 2016 at 9:24 pm Ashley Criollo