English 1101-0384

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  • Introduction and response to Article 4
  • #67682


    My name is Jahfari Scott. I am a first year freshman here at City Tech. I currently live
    in the Bronx. My hobbies include going to work, hanging out with my friends, and
    studying for my classes. I am very excited to take this class because english has always
    been a class Iā€™ve thrived in and I also look forward to learning about current events
    through this class. I think the ā€œ10 Tips to Being a Successful Student Onlineā€ is a very
    helpful list to inform and remind us as students what is being expected of us.
    Response to Article 4:
    Article 4 of the Human Rights states “No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms”. I think that this article is a very necessary article to write. I also think it is a bit disappointing that this has to be said. I think this is necessary because we have seen the effects of slavery in our world before. I also think it is disappointing because we shouldn’t have to be told that humans are supposed to be treated like humans and not objects.
    If I were to make any changes to the article, it would be against those who enforced slavery. Slavery is a very evil thing that deserves to be punishable for. I feel like all former slave masters or people who supported slavery should be arrested.

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