ENG3771 D564 Advanced Career Writing, FA2014

active 4 years ago
ENG3771 D564 Advanced Career Writing, FA2014
This Course is OPEN.
Course Code
Semester / Year
Fall 2014
Course Description

ENG 3771, Advanced Career Writing gives you opportunities to learn important technical communication skills, heuristics, and approaches that you will use in the workplace. Borrowing ideas from Donald A. Norman’s Living with Complexity (2010), we can think of technical communication as a way of managing complexity. Using rhetoric, research, and process, we can make complex information, tasks, and technology far easier to understand, accomplish, and use. In order to accomplish these things, we need to focus our use of WOVEN (written, oral, visual, electronic, and nonverbal) modes of communication on the needs of our readers. However, we must base our strategies and approaches on clearly articulated goals and firmly established research; we must test our deliverables for usability; and we must revise our deliverables to meet our clients’ requirements. Above all else, as technical communicators, we must follow professional and ethical codes of behavior. In this class, you will learn about these important aspects of technical communication through daily exercises, hands-on activities, and collaborative service-based projects.


This course was created by: Jason W. Ellis

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