ENG1141 Sears FA2021

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  • Participation Activity, Session 7: Writing the Sestina
  • #75089


    words : father, new york, workers, machines, watches, eyes

    Working day and night to fulfill the role of being the family father
    Currently residing in New York
    Daily communication with his fellow workers
    Finetuning the workstation machines
    Precise measurements and details made with all the watches
    A figure with dark brown eyes

    Point of view from his eyes
    Grinding to be the best father
    Operating with different watches
    Grinding in the city that never sleeps, New York
    Twisting and turning machines
    Employed with a helpful community and set of workers

    Family members that derived workers
    Little to no mistakes made with his keen eyes
    Working with screwdrivers to microscopes to machines
    Once received tips from his father, now giving tips father
    Home of the greatest people, New York
    Working with one of the best brand watches

    Continuing his endeavors with watches
    Finishing off the work day with a good-bye to the other workers
    City skylights with high rise buildings, this is New York
    Sleepless with bags under the eyes
    To continue his days of helping the family as the father
    Ending the shift off with turning off the machines



    The place I work at is Microcenter
    A vertiable heaven for electronics
    A place of Retail
    The best computer store
    The position I man is a CSR
    As A CSR I ring up and am usually the last employee to work with the customer

    it is my duty to be as helpful as possible to the customer
    That is my duty at microecenter
    That is the way of the CSR
    To sell electronics
    To take care of the store
    That is retail

    I try really hard to be the heart of retail
    to be as kind as possible with the customer
    I try to be one of the best in the store
    To embrace the ideals of micro center
    The best place to buy electronics
    Above all else for now, I am but a CSR

    for all things I have said above I think I’m transferring to warehouse from CSR
    Nonetheless I will still be in retail
    directly handling and moving electronics
    And not dealing directly with the rude customers
    Just another role at micro center
    fulfilling the behind the scenes work at the store



    I work at a bagel store with my friends
    My job is working the register
    Many different things are ordered by our customers
    I take their orders by tapping on the computer screen.
    Many ask what are my favorite bagels
    They want my advice as I am an experienced cashier.

    In the middle of the day I get a break, even if I’m only the cashier
    Sometimes on my break I’ll see one of my friends.
    They will always ask If they could get free bagels.
    I ask them if they will give money to put in the register
    They say fine, and we would go up to the screen
    They always pay because they are still customers.

    After I get back from breaks, the store is filled with customer.
    I get overwhelmed because there only two cashiers
    I do get annoyed sometimes because of the lagging screen
    But I always have a good time because I work with my friends
    And at the end of the day, money is tightly packed into the register
    and on the shelves, there are no more bagels.

    At the end of the day, I cant think anymore about bagels
    At least I don’t have to because they were all bought by customers
    my manager goes to empty the register
    The the floors are swept and mopped by the cashiers
    We all part ways, going home to see our family and friends
    and come back the next day, to take more orders on the screen.




    I work at a bagel store with my friends
    My job is working the register
    Many different things are ordered by our customers
    I take their orders by tapping on the computer screen.
    Many ask what are my favorite bagels
    They want my advice as I am an experienced cashier.

    In the middle of the day I get a break, even if I’m only the cashier
    Sometimes on my break I’ll see one of my friends.
    They will always ask If they could get free bagels.
    I ask them if they will give money to put in the register
    They say fine, and we would go up to the screen
    They always pay because they are still customers.

    After I get back from breaks, the store is filled with customer.
    I get overwhelmed because there only two cashiers
    I do get annoyed sometimes because of the lagging screen
    But I always have a good time because I work with my friends
    And at the end of the day, money is tightly packed into the register
    and on the shelves, there are no more bagels.

    At the end of the day, I cant think anymore about bagels
    At least I don’t have to because they were all bought by customers
    my manager goes to empty the register
    The the floors are swept and mopped by the cashiers
    We all part ways, going home to see our family and friends
    and come back the next day, to take more orders on the screen.


    Alexander Lumbres


    I’m an adult and a student who work,
    My work consists of many roles like server,
    Or perhaps something a little classy as a bartender,
    If neither of those is available You’ll simply see me as a washer,
    While of course working also means a way of transportation

    To start it off a day at my worksite I first take the necessary transportation,
    Once I’ve accomplished the goal of being there I would then work,
    There are times I take the role of bartender,
    commonly I am the server,
    Other times I receive calls to being the washer

    I made an impact as a washer,
    The cleaner is a great role in terms of hrs and transportation,
    For such a role you do not need to care for bartenders,
    Such roles only belong to the other workers,
    These workers would have to be the server,
    As well as the bartenders

    There are many situations that can occur for each role like a bartender,
    In the past, a situation occurred where other roles have to step in like the washer,
    But at times it would have to be the server,
    the passers(server) typically keep intact with the bar by means of transportation,
    The passers are the essential Workers,
    While the bar is the entertainers with their skills at bartending



    Long Day at the Clinic

    The day starts with patient information to collect
    The phlebotomist has constant blood work to perform
    Im sorry, the schedule is double booked today, doctor
    The office is packed, but it is out of my control
    My only goal is to take care of these patients
    But yet again, I am overwhelmed. Too many procedures

    I am reviewing the EMG, EKG, SONO, or procedures
    But there are so many co-pays to collect
    I am doing my best to help the impatient patients
    The doctors are trying to preform
    I have gained experience but today the office is out of control
    I am confused, help us doctor.

    I am sorry, late patients cannot see the doctor
    You can have a seat, the MA will take care of your procedure
    Yes, I understand your frustration but it is out of my control
    You can insert/swipe your card for your copay to collect
    No, I that procedure is only authorized for the doctor to perform
    These are the things I say to patients

    To the front desk- are they all checked in, the patients?
    How many more patients today, Doctor?
    Everyone do your best to perform
    To the MA’s- make sure you take precaution for the COVID-19 procedure
    Make sure the copays are ready at the end of the day to collect
    The office manager always has everything under control

    You have to learn to be confident and in control
    Make sure you are taking care of these patients
    All the information should be ready to collect
    If you ever need help and I’m not there, ask the doctor
    Tomorrow, you will complete the morning protocols and procedure
    The office manager always makes sure I perform

    There is endless opportunity in the clinic for you to perform
    I took a deep breath seemingly more in control
    Today, I took care of the orders for the rest of the procedures
    There’s only a few left to check out for today, hallway lined withPatients
    Thank you for helping me today, Doctor
    In the end, everyone was checked out and all information was ready to collect.


    Isaiah Ortiz

    Every step I take brings me closer to the start,
    Seeing all the strangers come and go,
    One hand left free while the other clenches the bottled water,
    I turn up the volume on my phone listening only to the music,
    Taking in one final breath before I run,
    Even though I’ve done this hundreds of times it’s never easy crossing the bridge.

    A sudden stop to turn a look at the opposite end of the bridge,
    Quickly drinking and pouring on my head the cold water,
    Taking a minute to catch my breath after an intense run,
    I can hear my heart beating along to my music,
    Approaching the line getting for another go,
    Even at the other end I’m right back at the start.

    Back for another lap I prepare for my second start,
    Tuning out the sound of the grocery store’s music,
    Feeling my body cool down after drinking water,
    One step and I start to cross the bridge,
    Even if I don’t catch that second wind my mind only tells me to go,
    So begins the second half of my run.

    The world looks faster as others pass me on their run,
    As well as the bikers on the other side of the bridge,
    I look to my right seeing Brooklyn and Manhattan only separated by water,
    The trains on my left seeing them pass me on their go,
    Even though I was halfway when they were at their start,
    The only thing motivating me is my determination to finish and the other 95% would be my music.

    At the end I hear the sounds of my neighborhood in tune like music,
    Desperately walking to a store to buy more water,
    I liked the scenery but it’s time I go,
    Not looking back at the enormous bridge,
    Even passed the place to start,
    It feels satisfying finishing my run.


    Nathaly Morocho

    Part 2:
    When she does her job, she goes to one or different homes
    She asked people to come over and she does her job here at home
    When there something new, she shows the new products
    Working and being a parent is really hard mostly for my mom
    My mom loves being a beauty consultant
    She brings the products in her suitcase

    She would always bring her suit case
    She goes to one place to another when is comes to different people’s houses
    She enjoys being a beauty consultant
    Her jobs sometimes tend to be here at home
    Being both a parent and a worker can be difficult especially having four kids like my mom
    What she has she show the same products of the new products


    Tanjim Ali

    Life, America, Future, Job, Money, Family

    This is the story of my life.
    My life changed when I came to America
    Everyone comes here for a better future.
    Everyday people are looking for a better job.
    People do hard work to make some money.
    They try to live happily with their family.

    I came to the USA to meet my family.
    I am trying to live a better life.
    We work hard to make some money.
    Me and my family came to America.
    I am studying hard to get a better job
    And trying to lead a better future.

    We all work hard to make a better future.
    It’s time to spend some time with our family.
    If you work hard, one day you will get a better job.
    And one day, we all have a good life.
    People are taking all the opportunity to make their life better in America.
    In this country, if you want a better life, then you have to make money.

    If you want your family to be happy, something that you will need the most is money.
    Sometimes money can change your family’s future.
    To change their life people come to America.
    Focus on your work and also give some time to your family.
    Do explore ways to make money but also enjoy your life.
    After everything we do, study hard to get a better job.



    – Supervisor
    – Day
    – Multitasker
    – Check
    – Job
    – 7pm

    She starts her day with setting up the floor for the day
    Hardworking, organized, multitasker
    Although her job is to keep her staff in check
    Customer service is the main part of the job
    Lastly, the goal is to leave by 7pm.

    Every day is a different day but no matter what I adjust to the changes to leave by 7pm
    Key holder, lead supervisor
    Although the job description says one thing, it always requires more of you for the job
    She deals with angry customers, deals with having to pick up the slacks of others through the day
    Doing invoices is what she does to help with keeping her managers in check
    Her day consists of moving throughout every station, being a multitasker.

    Counting registers, sending staff on lunch breaks, helping customers, multitasker
    When it’s real busy, or someone doesn’t do their job it’s hard to leave by 7pm
    Checking if her staff did their closing tasks, is what she does to keep them in check
    Outside of work it’s Yazline, but when at work it’s Supervisor
    Long work days are stressful, short work days are the best days
    At the end of the day a jobs a job.

    Having no off days, going to school full time, while having a full time job
    Her life is all about being able to multitask
    Every day is an obstacle, but making it through the day is the end game of every day
    Sometimes it’s impossible to leave by 7pm.
    Because of her title, if she has work to do she stays passed 7pm, because she’s supervisor
    At the end of her day she has to make sure everything was checked.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Yazline.
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