
active 3 years, 2 months ago
This Course Profile is PRIVATE, but the Course Site is OPEN to all visitors.
Course Code
Semester / Year
Spring 2021
Course Description

This is our course site for Professor Reichert’s ENG1101-OL87 (MW 6-7:40PM) section.


This course was created by: Kieran Reichert

View the course(s) that this course is based on.

Recent Posts

Portfolio and Final Reflection

Unit 1 Education narrative I decided that I wouldn’t change anything. I had done the revision b […] See MorePortfolio and Final Reflection

Artist's statement

Before I began:        I tend to watch a lot of commentary videos on youtube and I like to b […] See MoreArtist's statement

Annotated bibliography

Question: “is it responsible for the US to pour a significant amount of money into space c […] See MoreAnnotated bibliography

Recent Comments

Comment on "Artist’s statement"

Missing creative element & commentary about that. See MoreComment on "Artist’s statement"

Comment on "Annotated Bibliography (Draft)"

Its really sad to see how many homeless people are in NYC. I am looking forward to your final […] See MoreComment on "Annotated Bibliography (Draft)"