ENG1121, Section D421: English Composition, SP2016

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  • WEEK OF FEBRUARY 15: A Dream Undone
  • #35278

    Melany C.

    With my family, when we touched the topic of politics and everything that involves in Ecuador or here in the United States either my mother or father said ” voting it’s important, maybe that one vote can make the change.” That’s something I always had on my mind growing up! Even though my parents or I can’t vote in this country we still it’s important like we always say “If we want a change we, we have to make a move”. Giving it a try could go either in your favor or not, can you lose to give it a try :). Also, from my canvassing and outreaching on the street to get people to register to vote, I was able to see different points of views of people who haven’t found a good reason to vote because any of the action of the president would not make a great change in their daily life. However, on the other hand, other said they have family or friend that would be affected by the president who will take over so they want to chose the one that will help them. At the end of the day, depending on my vote many people would be affected which includes the Latino community and many others.


    avril padilla

    I remember voting at the age of 18. I made that decision because our prime minister was not doing his job for the people of my country. I thought that putting in my vote would make a difference. After the election the party I voted for won, the downside is that the one I voted for didn’t do his job either. I would say that this is one of the many reason that people choose not to vote. The second time I got it right, I voted for Obama and his did a wonderful job even thought he had a hard time doing so. This is what makes it worth the effort.

    We all hope that the person we choose does right by the country and the people. This is the gamble that we take when we vote. But if we look at the negative rather than the positive of voting, how can rights be wrongs and how can the minority be treated equally to the upper class if we choose to keep silent and not let our voices be heard time and time again. At some point they have to listen and do right by everyone who lives in this country.


    avril padilla

    I remember voting at the age of 18. I made that decision because our prime minister was not doing his job for the people of my country. I thought that putting in my vote would make a difference. After the election the party I voted for won, the downside is that the one I voted for didn’t do his job either. I would say that this is one of the many reason that people choose not to vote. The second time I got it right, I voted for Obama and his did a wonderful job even thought he had a hard time doing so. This is what makes it worth the effort.

    We all hope that the person we choose does right by the country and the people. This is the gamble that we take when we vote. But if we look at the negative rather than the positive of voting, how can rights be wrongs and how can the minority be treated equally to the upper class if we choose to keep silent and not let our voices be heard time and time again. At some point they have to listen and do right by everyone who lives in this country.

    Voting is a privilege, use it to help change society for the better and not the worse.



    Voting is not a big thing to me because it doesn’t interest me that much. I believe it’s not worth it all the candidate will offer us things we want to hear and promise their will be change for the better but let’s be real most of the things they says never happens. The only candidate i know is Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders is because that is all i hear and see on the news and social media all the negative comments Trump has said and the other two i don’t really know that much but i really don’t care. we can’t really do anything if any of these candidate become president we just have to accept it ” Im going to move if Donald Trump becomes president” this quote is every where if the topic is about Trump it sound so stupid we all know that nobody going to do it.


    avril padilla

    You have a point Dominik, but if everyone don’t vote and be quite then things will stay the same. The minority of society will never get the proper foods, schooling, better health care and any other things we need to survive in this country. If we don’t then future generations will not want to either. For change it starts with us. We do this for a better future.
    Its feels like its worthless, but for better life we do this. If we give up then the past people who have worked hard to get us here will be in vain.


    avril padilla

    You have a point Dominik, but if everyone don’t vote and be quite then things will stay the same. The minority of society will never get the proper foods, schooling, better health care and any other things we need to survive in this country. If we don’t then future generations will not want to either. For change it starts with us. We do this for a better future.
    Its feels like its worthless, but for better life we do this. If we give up then the past people who have worked hard to get us here will be in vain. Our votes will count.

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