ENG1121 D435 Fall2019

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  • Due 5PM on 11/17: Analyze TED talk
  • #56279

    Amber Slater

    Hi all!

    This is the last OpenLab homework of the semester!!

    1. Watch Greta Thunberg’s TED talk on the Course Calendar with Readings. Pick a moment when she uses one of the rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, logos) well. Quote what she says and explain why that’s an effective use of the rhetorical appeal.

    2. How can you effectively use rhetorical appeals in your own remix project? Which rhetorical appeal do you think that you’ll use the most?



    She used pathos when she said that she can’t study for a future no more. This shows that the audience can take pity. Ethos can be described through the whole lecture. She’s trying to presuade people that we should go on school strike for global warming.

    I can use pathos to describe how the audience should take pity on food handling and food safety and sanitation. I will probably use ethos and pathos the most.



    Greta Thunberg uses logos in her augment about climate change when she uses evidence and cause- effect structure when she explains that ā€œhardly anyone speaks about the fact that we are in the midst of the sixth mass extinction, with up to 200 species going extinct every single day, that the extinction rate today is between 1,000 and 10,000 times higher than what is seen as normalā€. She uses this evidence to further reinforce her claim about the effects of climate change and what is happening every day because of it. In my project I can effectively use rhetorical appeals to help the audience understand and persuade my message about my topic. I think I will use logos the most because I can use logic and reasoning to support my claim.



    ā€˜ā€™ā€™Why should I be studying for a future that soon may be no more, when no one is doing anything to save that future. What is the point of learning facts when the most important facts clearly mean nothing to our society.Ā ā€˜ā€™ The rhetorical appeal in this quote is pathos. You can feel an deep emotion by hearing it. Knowing how the climate change might be fatal for the world and no one is doing absolutely anything for that or to save the world. Someone whoā€™s thinking about future might feel bad or wonder how the future will look like. I can use pathos in my remix project to convey a powerful message to make people think about the issue.



    ā€¢ Greta Thunberg has used the rhetorical appeals of logos to covey her rhetorical situation. She stated, ā€œHow can you expect countries like Nigeria to care about the climate issues if they see us rich countries that have everything and they do not care about the climateā€. This is an effective use of logos because it leaves the audience to sit back a reflect and think about the issue that she is presetting.
    ā€¢ I can effectively use rhetorical appeals in my remix to show my audience that this is an issue that exist and needs to be resolved. I will be using pathos in my remix because I want to have a connection with my audience. I want the audience to feel what Iā€™m feeling.


    Mykhal Parson

    Thunberg uses pathos in her speech when she says, “If I have children or grandchildren, maybe they will spend that day with me. Maybe they will ask me about you, the people who were around, back in 2018. Maybe they will ask why you didn’t do anything while there still was time to act. What we do or don’t do right now will affect my entire life and the lives of my children and grandchildren. What we do or don’t do right now, me and my generation can’t undo in the future”. She uses this quote for pathos, in order to get the audience to feel urgency in the fact that we aren’t doing enough to stop climate change. This will get people to think more about the future instead of the present. Because she is a child, she is able to bring more emotion out of the audience because they may feel like we are ruining the future.

    For my project, I will most likely use a combination of pathos and logos. I will use pathos to show the emotions of people that get/don’t get what they want. I will use logos to show statistics of lootboxes, micro transactions, etc. in order to show that they are not good.


    Joshua V

    1. I actually watched this video and have been keeping up with her for a while now but throughout the whole speech in my opinion I feel like she uses logos really well because it just backs up everything she mentions. Pathos can only do so much because In reality people can see how much she cares for this issue yet rub it off but when she talks about how it can effect you , itā€™s a different story. The most memorable quote to me is when she asked the crowd ā€œare we evil ā€œ something so simple can spark a light in your head because you start to question the things you have done and realize things you could have done differently. She then proceeded to begin to elaborate on how people arenā€™t fully aware of the consequences of our everyday life then begins to question why arenā€™t we panicking as if people arenā€™t dying ā€œnot just flooded cities tens of thousands of dead people , and whole nations leveled to piles of torn down buildings , you would see some restrictions, but no. ā€œ this is effective because it directly affects you and sheā€™s trying to make you , genteel public , and nations realize what needs and can be done in order for us to have a chance of survival. It makes us fear the affects which in hand makes you want change.
    2. I can affectively use rhetorical appeals by showing that the issue directly effects college students and by showing the benefits of having sports / co-curricular activities to show perspective and have you think for yourself. I think I should pathos more to directly influence students with picture of the huge difference on the issue because when it comes to my remix its more of seeing than actual reading , i feel as if I can get your attention then you would stop and look rather than see words on a paper you continue to walk away.its more of connecting with the students for them to understand then build from that momentum.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Joshua V.

    Brianna Bermudez

    During the TED talk by Greta Thunberg she used 2 rhetorical appeals mostly. These were logos and pathos. She mentions ā€œLater on I was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, ocd and selective mutism that basically means I only speak when I think itā€™s necessary, now is one of those moments.ā€ I believe here Greta tried to reach out to the audienceā€™s emotional appeal which is pathos in order to get this message across. She is basically telling the audience that she only is able to speak when it truly matters and now is that moment to stress importance on the climate change issue.
    I believe that rhetorical appeals can definitely be used in my remix project since Iā€™m doing a PSA. I believe Iā€™m gonna use pathos the most out of three followed by logos.



    In this TED talk by Greta Thunberg she used mostly logos throughout her speech along with pathos. She stated “and why should i be studying for a future that soon will be no more, when no one is doing anything what so ever to save their future”, she also went on to say “Whats the point of learning facts when it means nothing to our politician and our society”. Personally, i think this was her best use of pathos because when i heard it , it literally gets to me i started to feel a different type of way.
    I will be using mostly pathos in my remix project since i’ll be doing a Photo essay. I believe that the images in my photo essay will make the audience feel some kind of emotion.


    Janet C.

    Greta Thunberg used both Logos and pathos in her speech, but the there was a strong use of pathos in her speech. What stood out was when she said ā€œare we evil ? No of course not, people keep doing what they do because the vast majority doesnā€™t have a clue about the actual consequences of our everyday livesā€ it was appealing and to me I felt like she spoke out her argument in a very convincing way, when hearing ā€œAre we evil ? ā€œ it made me question and think about what can we do to save our planet. The use of both logos and pathos is present because she did point out a lot of facts about what humans do instead of actual taking action to the situation and it is a situation that creates emotion.
    For my remix project I think it would be good to use one of these appeals to try to persuade my audience. I think Iā€™ll be using both logos and pathos to show emotion and facts on my photo essay.


    Hadeel A

    ” I was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, OCD and selective mutism, this basically means I only speak when its necessary and now is one of those moments ”
    In my opinion I say she uses this quote for pathos, she is trying to get the audience to feel how important climate change is. This will get people to think more about the future and how climate change can change everything.
    I can affectively use rhetorical appeals for my project. I feel like the most rhetorical appeal I would be using is pathos. I would be using the different emotions of college students who participate in extracurricular activities and those who donā€™t participate extracurricular activities.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Hadeel A.


    Greta is both pathos and logos. She used pathos when she said “why should i be studying for a future that soon will be no more, when no one is doing anything what so ever to save their future” indicating she feels like theirs no point of going to school when she wont have the proper conditions to go to school in which can make a person sad. She also use logos when she mention “extinction rate is between 1000 to 10000 times higher than what is seem as normal” This shows she knows her fact as she later mention 200 species going extinct a day.

    I can use rhetorical appeal effectively if it draws my audience in. The rhetorical appeal I’ll most likely use is logos considering theirs a lot of facts on my topic



    After being diagnosed with her sickness she mentioned ā€œI only speak when I think itā€™s necessary and now itā€™s one of those times.ā€ She uses to pathos to get audiences attention. She wakes the crowd up before she really starts going deep on the topic sheā€™s going to talk about. After hearing how she only talks when itā€™s necessary theyā€™re probably more curious now on what she has to say.

    The rhetorical appeals I can use effective are pathos and logos. Pathos to show emotions and get audiences engaged after use logos. Facts to backup my topic.



    Right off in the beginning, i feel like her saying that we are just bystanders in climate change is what attracted me the most. I hate the bystander effect and believe we should all do our best to create positive change.

    She utilizes pathos and logos in her ted talk but i feel like ethos could also be a big appeal since it is a TED Talk. This pushes her speech to a new height rather than a normal youtube video.



    “No one is acting as if we are in a crisis. Even most climate scientists or green politicians keep on flying around the world, eating meat and dairy.”
    Here Greta Thunberg is using Logos to try and reason with the audience, that they should rethink how they are treating this situation. Not enough people are taking it seriously and that is why at this rate the world as we know it will come to an end. People worldwide should act now to help do everything needed to lessen the damage done to the Earth and heal it instead of simply reporting and spreading the news only to continue on with their daily lives as if it doesn’t affect them.
    the rhetorical appeal i will mainly use will be Pathos because the way people feel is a key factor with my call to action.

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