ENG1101-D401 English Comp, FA2023

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  • "The World According to Bad Bunny" Paragraph and Sentence
  • #88038

    Reese Carmona

    Paragraph-“Benito has become famous for his playful code-switching across islands and eras. But none of us, he reminded me, are born with it. We were on our second midday cocktail — the color of blue Gatorade — when he began to reminisce about what went over his head as a kid tuning in to reggaeton: “There were so many songs I sang without knowing what the hell they meant. There’s a Wisin y Yandel song that goes” — he broke into falsetto —”

    “Sentence-“Bad Bunny’s dialect — his highly particular Puerto Rican Spanish, as he mirrors, modulates and maximizes it — inspires exultant proprietary feeling in those who understand it instinctively and desperate thirst in those who don’t.”

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