ENG1101-D401 English Comp, FA2023

Which is better wired or wireless earbuds? It is the modern world and because of this we have technology changing at amazing rates. Not too long ago we had a time when phones had a common jack (usually 3.5mm) which could be used for many reasons although it was mostly for wired earbuds. Nowadays with new phones coming out companies have come up with other ways to advertise their wireless earbuds/headphones and some of these methods have been extreme, the most impactful of all would be the absolute removal of headphone jacks from many phones companies with the first being Samsung branches and then eventually the infamous apple company. We will also be exploring how wireless earbuds became so successful when one could argue there was and is no problem with wired earbuds. This leads me to ask the question, what makes wireless earpieces better than wired ones? As newer and better phones come out it has seemed all but lost to society to have a jack on a phone when you can simply connect to a wireless one instantly with all sorts of features and options that wired simply lack. As any person looks further and further to find the right pair of earbuds they come into many different options for many different phones, but they all have one thing in common and that is how they have all become wireless. If we are to understand what makes the push for wireless earbuds so great, we should know the components that come into play in both pieces as well as individual characteristics that come into play and their impact on things like performance and comfort, etc… We must determine what the top headphones are from both sides and compare them for many other things not mentioned before such as price, sound quality, life expectancy etc… It is also useful to conclude why we have decided to transition from wired to wireless earphones as a society as well as understanding the reasoning and even predict or assume what other tools might become wireless too. 

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