ENG1101-D401 English Comp, FA2023

Why do we dream? When we fall asleep we’re at our most vulnerable but why do we dream, is it because of how we’re feeling? For example, do we have nightmares because of stress, anxiety, or depression? What made our brain have the imaginative power to create these scenarios, and we can hear it like it’s happening in real life! What makes our dreams feel so real like we woke up from a simulation and entered another one? That’s not the case for some people who don’t dream, they close their eyes and then fall asleep and wake up having no memory of a “dream”. Do we trigger dreams or does it come naturally in the position we sleep or the area we’re surrounded by? How did we get the study of dreams, did a person wake up once scared but documented and remembered everything about their own dream? We can search for “What did this mean in my dream” but who sat there first analyzing every single scenario and picking points” this one for stress, this one for depression, this one for anxiety, this one for happiness” and so on. Dreams are infinite and to many, it doesn’t make sense, why am I seeing my friends working at a pizzeria while I’m a judge in court, what significance does that have? How can anyone listen to a dream and truly understand it and spit out a reason for why I just dreamt that scenario?

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