ENG1101-D401 English Comp, FA2023

The very first thing that comes to mind is whenever I must leave it is always quiet, there are some cars going in both directions but there are never any people out on my way to the train station. When I arrive at the station there are always people exiting that seem to look like a flash mob just suddenly appeared and they are always on their way to grab the next bus either that being the 12, 8 or 26. Of course once I enter the station I am always amazed by how humid and hot the area is regardless of the weather outside. It’s worth noting that on the train ride I notice that most people tend to get on at 149th Grand Concourse and usually empties out again at Brookly Bridge City Hall. Finally, once I arrived at my stop it’s a small walk up to where I see a nice and well-maintained plaza after making a bee line to reach school it’s hard to not notice the long line of students that are in line waiting to be let in 

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