ENG1101-D309 English Comp, FA2023

  1. The food truck/cart that is in front of the school. I always wonder why the food truck/cart is right in front of school and I finally know that there are people who stop there to buy something to eat on their way into to the school and when they are leaving the school, they can eat something on the go.
  2. The highway, on my way to school when my dad brings me to school, I look at the highway and think why the highway would almost be so close to the school? I now know that it is no one’s fault on why the highway is almost so close to the school, no one is to blame and that is how it is made.
  3. The statue on Tillary st. and Flatbush av. because I always wanted to know why they would put the statues there, but now I know that both of them are named Miss Brooklyn and Miss Manhattan.  I believe that they are named those names because the bridge connects both Brooklyn and Manhattan.
  4. The park, I wonder why someone would build a park near the street/highway. I think to myself “one day when someone is driving, they are going to crash into the gate that surrounds the park, and someone will get hurt.” I think that someone just wanted to have a park for the kids so they can run around and be able to have a lot of space to play their games.
  5. Going back home when my dad picks me up, I look at the roof that was just remade, one a house that is right below the highway and think why someone would not do the extra work to make the roof look good and not all bumpy. The person/people who did it probably just wanted to get it done and over with and not do a good job. Every time I see it, I stare at it and then look away.
  6. The new building made by Domino Park. The new building was made in the old factor building. It is made of glass and looks really beautiful.
  7. The gas station right when you get off the highway to your right. The gas station does not have a garage to fix a car when the car is not working right.
  8. Just yesterday when my dad passed the B62 bus stop, I saw that someone chained a little chair to the pole so that is someone is waiting for the bus they can sit down.
  9. Yesterday coming to school my dad and I saw a woman sitting on the sidewalk with her feet on the road and though that she was a little crazy because she could have gotten hurt.
  10. There is no last detail I noticed on your way to/from campus.

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