ENG1101-D309 English Comp, FA2023

  1. The first that I noticed from college is that whenever I come out of the F Train there is always food carts on the road.
  2. The second thing that I noticed is that there are a lot of police cars in the area, so I assume that this is because of the Federal Court next to the college.
  3. The third thing that I noticed is that New York University and City Tech are next to each other so I assume they share the same campus together.
  4. The fourth thing that I noticed is that most of the stores in the area are restaurants than any clothing stores or any other stores which I thought is good for people who are hungry they can eat after college and it is more accessible from campus.
  5. City Tech is located at the part of Downtown Brooklyn where there is a lot of parks and it is next to the Brooklyn Bridge and there is a lot of attractions where you can go and enjoy yourself.
  6. There is a lot of construction going on around the roads and the building right next to City Tech, I think that this area will become a rising metropolis in years to come just like Manhattan.
  7. I think that because of the court and the amount of police presence I would gladly say that this are is safe and will be safe from crime for some time.
  8. Transportation is not a problem around this area, there is the subways which is accessible to millions and there is the bus that runs in Brooklyn so I think it is easier to get to college.
  9. For my first week at City Tech, I have classes everyday and I noticed that Monday through Thursday it is relatively packed with people in and out the college. The only day Friday there is not much people that have classes in College.
  10. So this is all I have with my experience so far from going to Campus everyday, so I am going to conclude.

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