ENG1101-D309 English Comp, FA2023

I walk a bit to a bus stop, ride for about 40 minutes and then walk 10 more minutes to get to City Tech, along the way I see plenty of interesting things, the ones that caught my attention are.

  1. Since it’s New York I decided to count pizza places on my trip to school and counted 12.
  2. Also because it’s New York I counted the next most common place, smoke shops, and also saw 12.
  3. I didn’t realize until after a few trips but, I saw a place I haven’t gone to since my childhood, a Chuck E. Cheeses and was blasted with nostalgia.
  4. I saw several dozen and most likely over a hundred motorcycles all together, not bikers, just a lot of motorcycles at once.
  5. One of the first things I noticed when getting on the bus was the different types of busses and how you could tell which ones were more modern.
  6. Another things was the difference in the neighborhood going down Livingston St. and how many more people there are.
  7. On Monday’s when I end class at 7:40pm and end up at home at 8:30, the bus is completely empty which is kind of fun actually.
  8. Barclay center. My first time seeing it, didn’t even know it was a thing that existed until a few days ago.
  9. Something I’ve noticed just in general is that nobody ever looks up, I can’t recall a single person that I’ve passed on the sidewalk looking up at the sky save for maybe when it’s raining/snowing.
  10. I live near a lot of stray cats on my sidewalk so I pass by at least 2 every day without fail and I’ve taken a few pictures of them because why not.


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