ENG 2400 Films from Literature, Spring 2020

Films from Literature     open book midterm exam    Prof. Masiello


Note:  for your mid term exam, chapter 2 was written by John Belton; chapter 6 was written by David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson.   (I am not the author of those chapters.)


Attribute the ideas to them.  Ex.  According to Bordwell, “Xxxhasjo la;l;a;a   …………”


Or Birdwell-Thompson write, “  Xxxhasjo la;l;a;a   …………”  and remember to explain what you quote!


Directions:  for each section, you are to


a)      direct quote a sentence or more from our book, Reading Movies, and provide the page. 


You may use one of these styles:


Joe Blow says, “______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________” (     ). 




“_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________,”  says Joe Blow (    ).    Page number goes in parenthesis.



b)      Explain what you quoted in your own words—paraphrase the thoughts to simplify them.  Do not repeat many of the authors’ words.



c)      Provide an example of your own from your memories of films seen on your own. 


IMPORTANT:  Do NOT merely name some movie you never heard of because it is mentioned in the book for the part C’s!


Remember when you name any book or film, use underlining or italics.

When you name any short story or any chapter in a book, use “quote marks.”



Note:  for your mid term exam, chapter 2 was written by John Belton; chapter 6 was written by David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson.   (I am not the author of those chapters.)


Attribute the ideas to them.  Ex.  According to Bordwell, “Xxxhasjo la;l;a;a   …………”


Or Birdwell-Thompson write, “  Xxxhasjo la;l;a;a   …………”  and remember to explain what you quote!





Part 1   Chapter 2


1)      Why is it that supporting characters usually have more odd personality traits than main characters?

Remember do a, b, and c on each question.



2)      Why is the quirky dialogue in Pulp Fiction  memorable?


Remember do a, b, and c.



3)      Discuss one stereotype based on gender, race, or nationality (choose one).


Remember do a, b, and c.



4)   Define “femme fatale.”    (Sometimes it helps to define something by     expressing its opposite as well…)

Remember do a, b, and c.



5)   Our author discusses the appeal of various famous actors and explains     why these stars have “personas”   (their various roles are usually similar).


Choose one that he writes about and then


  • Remember do a, b.


  • For c choose a different star from the past or present and discuss what this performer’s main type is and what he or she represents to audiences.

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