ENG 2400 Films from Literature, Spring 2020

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The information here may be the way to see the entire videos I am posting for our class. PLEASE EMAIL […]

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“Rear Window” short story quiz (NOT the film)

Name_____________________________Date________________________ “Rear Window” Short Story Quiz –NOT THE FILM The more details you add, the better. Each question is worth […]

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Complete syllabus ENG 2400 Spring 2020

English Department ENG 2400 Films from Literature (3 hours, 3 credits) Professor Masiello                      Office N529                                   e-mail fmasiello@citytech.cuny.edu Pre or Co-requisite: […]

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Transitionals should be used to connect paragraphs within essays

SINGLE-WORD TRANSITIONALS 1. ACCORDINGLY                                 […]

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E) Midterm exan — part 2 of 2

Films from Literature     open-book midterm exam    Prof. Masiello   Note:  for your midterm exam, chapter 2 was written by Robert […]

Author: Author
D) Midterm exam — part 1 of 2

Films from Literature     open book midterm exam    Prof. Masiello   Note:  for your mid term exam, chapter 2 was written […]

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F) Romeo and Juliet passages to translate

Name_________________________date____________________ Romeo & Juliet passages to translate and explicate: (you may use this paper or attach a separate sheet)   […]

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C) Hitchcock Films (essay two)

Essay 2                   Comparing two stories to their films, both                                           directed by Alfred Hitchcock.   Please write about how […]

Author: Author
B) Lolita essay (essay one)

Assignment:  compare and contrast the two film versions of Lolita with the novel.  This is a three-way comparison, whether you […]

Author: Author
G) Plays into Films (essay three)

Plays into Films Essay 3 Plays into Films Essay 3 on our two plays made into films (two pages minimum, […]

Author: Author
H) two short stories and their film versions (essay 4)

Homework: Try to creatively combine the two stories when you get to the end of one, the start of the […]

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I) Final Exam take-home essay (essay 5)

  A Clockwork Orange (final essay)   Please read all before you begin.  YOU SHOULD NUMBER EACH PARAGRAPH TO MAKE […]

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