ENG 1121 English Composition II OL 44 (30314)

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  • Oct. 16 transitional between thoughts
  • #91830

    Prof. Masiello

    We need to lead up to how to effectively use transitionals between paragraphs, but first we need to practice how to punctuate these interesting words and phrases.

    Please note: to save time, you should copy and paste your own sentences for this assignment:

    Also, if your original sentences used “or” or “nor” this will not work, so you may have to borrow from your complex sentences that you wrote days later, the ones with “because,” “since,” etc. not the FANBOYS words.

    Please go back to yourcompouns sentences that you wrote weeks ago, the ones with the comma and the FANBOYS words, like

    Jane brought her umbrella, for it was supposed to rain.

    A) Find a transitional to replace the conjunction and use the typical (though not the most appealing) punctuation of
    semicolon + transitional + comma

    It was supposed to rain; therefore, Jane brought her umbrella.

    Note that the semicolon goes where the first thought oir clause ends.


    B) Then do the exact same thing with the same five sentences but replace the semicolon with a period followed by a capital letter. (Obviously the proper name, Jane, needs capitalization regardless of the punctuation.)

    It was supposed to rain. Therefore, Jane brought her umbrella.

    Ultimately you will post 10 sentences five with semicolons and the same five with periods.

    Please have this done by our next class. This is easy work.

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