ENG 1101CO – E515 English Composition Corequisite

     Today was a great day. I had class till 5 p.m.at school and had to rush home for class on zoom at 6 p.m.. From Jay St. all the way to Far Rockaway I was clocking the time. I rushed and wished the train would go faster. I was grateful that I caught the 5.p.m ‘A’ train but now I needed it to skip all the stops and land on mine. My 5-year-old gets out of school at 6 p.m.  My train pulled into my station at exactly 5:45. I had 15 minutes to get to my son’s school, pick up dinner, park, email the zoom link to myself and open the link on my laptop so that I can use a device with a working camera. These are the sacrifices that I know will help me to truly earn this degree to afford a better life for my child and I. I missed the free writing topic but upon reading some of my classmates’ free write entries I believe this true story will appease my professor and help maintain a decent average to move forward to English part 2!! I honestly enjoy the free writes!