ENG 1101 Fall 2020 OL20 (26956)

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  • Discussion questions on 4,5,6
  • #69690

    Jaida Clouden

    4. A Rose for Emily

    A) Two similes that I found was “A sort of respectful affection for a fallen monument,” and “The gasoline pumps-an eyesore among eyesores.”

    B) Some metaphors that people say is “You’re speaking gibberish,” “That was a piece of cake,” “Life is a journey,” and “Don’t shoot the messenger.” Some similes that people say is “You’re as tall as a giraffe,” “You eat like a pig,” “Your face is red like a tomato,” and “You’re a piece in the game of life.”

    C) The people of the town, including the neighbors are narrating the story.

    D) The first sentence is a criticism to women because the writer explains the women to only care about how the inside of the house looked like rather than being respectful at Miss Emily’s funeral. In some instances, the writer did portray Emily’s character with a lot of criticism.

    E) When Emily bought arsenic, the whole town thought that she was going to commit suicide.

    F) People thought poorly of Homer because he was a Northern day laborer.

    G) At the end, the people find Homer Baron’s body in the locked room. We came to the realization that Miss Emily killed Homer Barron with the arsenic that she purchased for reasons probably due to Homer not being a marrying man, who is homosexual.

    H) The lines that were said about Homer Barron meant that he liked men, and was homosexual. Knowing this. Emily would have found out and given her the motive to kill him.

    I) William Faulkner is showing bias about one type of women, but he could be bias about them all. What he was pointing at was that women would be so jealous or disappointed to learn something about their “partner” that they don’t like to the fact that they would kill them in spite of it.


    Jaida Clouden

    5. A Good Man Is Hard to Find

    A) The women in the story don’t have names maybe because they were often known as possession and property. Women didn’t get the advantage to be called by their actual name, or get the luxury to be a human being like the men. That could be the reason why.

    E) The grandmother was saying that the Misfit was like her son so that he would think twice about his actions. The grandmother didn’t want to be killed so if the Misfit thought that the grandmother was apart of his family then he would spare her, but that wasn’t the case.

    G) I wouldn’t say that the author is biased against men, but in certain ways the author portrays it. The story showed that at the end of the day, a good man is truly hard to find. The man “The Misfit” still ended up killing everyone in the family and required no good traits after all.


    Jaida Clouden

    6. The Short, Happy Life of Francis Macomber

    A) I think that Hemmingway chose to write out of sequence to let the readers know the main events that occurred, and then explain how it started out and finished. Hemingway wanted to do something different and show readers a difference in the story.

    B) The three main characters are Francis Macomber, Margot Macomber, and Robert Wilson.

    C) I think that the author wants us to like Robert Wilson and Margot Macomber? I think that the author wants us to dislike Francis?

    E) Her integrity shows us that she didn’t mind using something that she did not use generally. She was honest about her thoughts and opinions on the matter.

    F) Francis stays because he has a beautiful wife to trophy around. Margot stays because she stated that he was wealthy. Even though they don’t love each other, they still stayed together because Margot was late on her ticket out of the relationship.

    G) Margot shoots Francis’ head because he wasn’t looking, and it was the perfect chance to “accidentally” shoot him when she was on the buffalo hunt with the guys. This could all look like an accidental mistake, and nobody would know that it was intentionally done, except for Wilson. By the way Francis was treating Margot, he had it coming.


    Ashley Adhar

    4) A Short Story by William Faulkner called “A Rose for Emily”

    a. From the description of Emily at the beginning, I was able to find a metaphor there. It stated, “Respectful affection for a fallen monument.” It compared Emily to a monument.
    b. Some metaphors and similes that I use in my own conversations are “fast like lightening”, “busy as a bee”, and “time is money”.
    c. The town people are narrating the story.
    d. The first sentence seems to be a criticism as the people of the town are more concerned about what is inside of her house rather than giving their respects and condolences.
    e. When Emily brought arsenic, the town people thought that she was going to commit suicide. As stated, “we all sad, “she will kill herself “and we said it would be the best thing.” The town people thought that she purchased it solely for the reason of committing suicide.
    f. Homer was the one man that Emily seemed to care about. People thought poorly of him because of where he came from. As stated, “Of course Grierson would not think seriously of a Northerner, a day laborer.” Based on this, it shows that people looked down upon him because he was a Northerner.
    g. At the end, people find a body in the room that was locked. It was Homer Baron’s body, who Emily may have killed with the arsenic that she bought. It can be inferred that she killed him because of the strand of iron gray hair they found.
    h. The lines stated, “When she had first begun to be seen with Homer Barron, we had said, ‘She will marry him.’ Then we said, “She will persuade him yet,’ because Homer himself had remarked–he liked men, and it was known that he drank with the younger men in the Elks’ Club–that he was not a marrying man”. These lines were to show that Homer was interested in men and was homosexual.
    i. Based on what William Faulkner writes about Emily, it can be said that he is showing slight bias against women. He was portraying the idea that women would kill or hurt someone because of a trait they dislike even if they love that person. The way he also describes Emily is not the best in any aspect.



    4) A short story by William Faulkner called, “A Rose for Emily”

    a) A simile that describes Emily at the beginning when she is elderly is “she looked bloated, like a body submerged in motionless water.’’

    b)-You were brave as a lion
    -They fought like cats and dogs

    c)The narrator of the story is a part of the town as they state, “our whole town went to her funeral”.

    d)This sentence describes the reaction of the town to the death of Miss Gierson through gender differences. The men and women are the same in their desire to attend her funeral; however they differ in their motivation.

    e)When she bought arsenic, the townspeople were fearful that Emily would use the poison to kill herself.

    f)The townspeople thought poorly of Homer because of his social class and regional background.

    g)The locked room is frozen in time with the items for an upcoming wedding and a man’s suit laid out. Homer’s body is stretched out on the bed. There was also an indentation of a hand in the pillow beside Homer’s body and a long strand of Emily’s gray hair on the pillow.

    h)Homer “liked men, and it was known that he drank with the younger men…he was not marrying a man”. He did not want to take any responsibility for a woman and he rejected Emily.

    i)Faulkner is showing bias against women.



    5) A short story by Flannery O’ Conner called, “A Good Man Is Hard To Find”

    a)The women in this story don’t have actual names, but the men do. I think that is because the women were looked down upon.

    e)The grandmother says to the misfit that he is like her son. The misfit isn’t literally her son but this points to the fact that she realizes that they are both human beings.

    g)I don’t think the author is biased against men but he portrays it because at the end the misfit ended up killing everyone which shows that a good man is hard to find.



    6) A short story by Ernest Hemingway, called “The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber”

    a)Hemingway wrote the story out of sequence to give readers different perspectives.
    The three main characters are Francis Macomber ,Margot Macomber, and Robert Wilson.

    b)I think the author wants us to like Francis and dislike Margot and Wilson

    c)Though she has been married to Francis for eleven years, she flirts with men, and has multiple affairs. She slept with Robert Wilson,
    Margot once commanded five thousand dollars to endorse “a beauty product which is never used” shows that she knows that she has power over men.

    d)This couple does not seem to love one another, but yet they stay together. Francis allows Margot to have affairs because he believes that his wife does not have the courage to leave him because he says “not a great enough beauty any more” to do better. Margot knew Francis lack of self-confidence which gave her power in the relationship

    e)In the end Margot shoots Francis dead. I think she did because she was threatened by his growth in confidence and he would finally see that she was a cheater.



    “A Rose For Emily”
    A. A simile that I can find is ” The men through a sort of respectful affection for a fallen monument”

    B. Similes that I use in my conversations is “as blind as a bat” and ” they fought like cats and dogs”
    Metaphors that I use in my conversations is “I’m feeling blue” and “this is the icing on the cake”

    C.Family neighbors, and the townspeople were narrating the story.

    D. This was a criticism to women as the narrator was trying to say that women only came to be judgemental and see the inside of her house while the men came to pay their respects.
    Yes the portayal of Emily was critism.

    E.When Emily brought the arsenic, the townspeople thought that she was going to kill herself.

    F. People thought poorly of Homer because he was Northerner and felt as if he was below Emily.

    G. At the end of the story people found Homer’s dead body laying on the bed in the locked room. Which showed that Emily had killed him due to him being homosexul and not having the same feelings she had towards him.

    H. At first it did not mean anything to me, but it meant something later on when Homer’s body was found in Emily’s bed which was most likely was what provoked Emily to kill him

    I. William Faulkner is in fact showing bias against women as he was trying to state that women cannot take rejection well and would go to the extreme of killing their partner.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Nay.

    Ashley Adhar

    A short story by Flannery O’Connor called “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”: http://xroads.virginia.edu/~drbr/goodman.html

    a) Women in this story do not have actual names while most of the men have actual names and are regarded by it. The reason for this could be the time period this was written in. In the past, women were considered as a possession, they did not have a title or name of their own.
    e) Just before the grandmother is killed, she says to the killer that he is like her son. She says this to try to make him change his decisions and attempt to bring out the good in him.
    g) I do not think that the author is biased against men. However, he does portray it as it is hard to find the good in men.


    Wei Ni

    4) A short story by William Faulkner called “A Rose for Emily”:

    a) Notice the descriptions of Emily at the beginning, when she is elderly. Can you find a
    metaphor or a simile there? (You need to know the difference between those two
    “figures of speech” meant to be taken figuratively, not literally.) When you say someone
    is a pig, you do not mean it literally. The same is when you say to someone you eat like a
    bird. It is not meant literally. The description of her hair color is literal, real, and it
    also becomes a significant detail at the very end.

    “she looked bloated, like a body long submerged in motionless water, and of that pallid hue. Her eyes, lost in the fatty ridges of her face, looked like two small pieces of coal pressed into a lump of dough as they moved from one face to another while the visitors stated their errand.”

    b) Think of metaphors and similes you use in your own conversation. List a few. It is a
    good thing for writers to use metaphors and similes!

    This house is clean as a whistle, As busy as a bee and alot more.

    c) Who is narrating this story (that is not the same as saying who wrote it)?
    Someone in her town is narrating the story.

    d) Notice that the narrator says in the first sentence, “WHEN Miss Emily Grierson died, our
    whole town went to her funeral: the men through a sort of respectful affection for a fallen
    monument, the women mostly out of curiosity to see the inside of her house [
]. Is this
    a criticism of women? Is the portrayal of Emily a criticism?

    Maybe, I think the narrator was trying to say the women really didnt care about Emily, they just wanted to see how she was cooped up in there for her life.

    e) When she bought arsenic, what did the townspeople think?
    They thought that she was going to poison herself and kill herself.

    f) Homer was the one man that Emily seemed to care about. Why did people think poorly
    of him? (It may have to do with geography

    Because of where he came from, he was a Northerner.

    g) At the end, what do people find in the locked room? What exactly happened?
    In the end, the townspeople found Homer Baron’s body that Emily killed with the arsenic she bought. We know that she killed him because of the strand of hair they found near him.

    h) Did you notice the line: “When she had first begun to be seen with Homer Barron, we
    had said, ‘She will marry him.’ Then we said, “She will persuade him yet,’ because
    Homer himself had remarked–he liked men, and it was known that he drank with the
    younger men in the Elks’ Club–that he was not a marrying man” ? Did it mean anything
    to you at first? Does it mean anything in retrospect?

    Homer was not interested in women, he was gay and liked men and didn’t want to marry Emily.

    i) Considering all that the author writes about Emily, do you think he, William Faulkner, is
    showing bias against women?

    Yeah, I believe he is showing a bit bias towards women.



    ” A Good Man Is Hard To Find”

    A. The women in the story didn’t have actual names in the story because back then women did not have power and an identity for themselves as they do now but were overlooked and only seen as housewives.

    E. The grandmother said to the killer that he is like her son because she ws hoping by saying that, he would think twice about his actions but unfortunately things did not go as planned and he ended up killing her anyway.

    G. Yes the author is biased against men as it was already shown in the title and was shown at the end of the story when we were hoping that the misfit was a good man and he ended up killing everyone.



    “The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber”

    A. Hemingway chose this because he wanted to show the background of how each event in the story led to occur.

    B. The three main characters in the story are Francis Macomber, his wife Margot Macomber, and Robert Wilson.

    C. The author wants us to like Robert Wilson and dislike Margot Macomber and Francis Macomber.

    D. No it does not make a difference if we know if a model actually uses the product because people are easily persuaded into buying a product just by seeing a celebrity with the same product.

    E. It shows that Margot is very powerful, and looked upon with high standards.

    F. Both couples have a physical power over the other since Franics is a very affluent man its very much expected that he has a beautiful woman by his side and he knew that Margot would never leave him due to the power of money he had over her. While Margot stayed because she knew how Francis was and could take advantage of him at times due to his low self esteem.

    G. Margot shot Francis because that was probably her only way out of the relationship to be with Robert Wilson



    a) A simile that was used for Emily was that “she looked bloated, like a body long submerged in motionless water, and of that pallid hue”. It’s comparing Emily’s bloat as a motionless nature. The author makes it seem that her routine in life is killing her because she can’t change it
    b) Similes
    It is raining cats and dogs outside
    You are a shining star
    She is gold
    They are acting like a bunch of clown in a circus
    c) There isn’t a clear narrator it just peoples pov of Emily throughout
    d) In the beginning there seems to be a fair amount of criticism as people of the town are more concerned about what is inside of her house rather than giving their respects and condolences.
    e) Emily went to buy arsenic and the towns people thought she was gonna kill herself but she bought it to kill rats
    f) People thought poorly of Homer because he was a Northern day laborer
    g) In the end they find Homers body in the locked room. The realization that Emily killed Homer with the arsenic that she purchased for him was probably due to Homer not being a marrying man, who is homosexual.
    h) The lines about Homer meant that he liked men, knowing this emily would have found out and given her the motive to kill him.
    i) He’s biased because he made it seem that women would kill there lovers if they didn’t love them




    A) Women weren’t named which to me makes it seem as if they are “property” or someone else’s “possession”

    E) The grandmother was implying that the Misfit was like her son so that he would have to think twice about his actions. The grandmother didn’t want to be killed, so if the Misfit thought that the grandmother was apart of his family then he would spare her which wasn’t a bad idea but that wasn’t the case.

    G) The author isn’t that biased because in today’s society it’s hard to truly find a good man




    A) Hemingway chose this style because he wanted to show the background of how each event in the story happened
    B) The main characters are Francis Macomber, his wife Margot Macomber, and Robert Wilson.
    C) The author wants us to like Robert and dislike Margot and Francis which at first meant something to me
    D) It doesn’t make a difference we know if a model actually uses the product because people are easily persuaded into buying a product just by seeing a celebrity with the same product. Just like in today’s society, me personally I’ve always liked colors but I didn’t like Pink cause it was a “girl” color. Then I saw my favorite artist Machine Gun Kelly wear a pink suit and now I have a pair of black and pink clothes
    E) It shows that Margot is very powerful and people have high standards for her
    F) Francis is a very wealthy man it is very much expected that he has a beautiful woman by his side and he knew that Margot would never leave him due to the power of money he had over her. It is like this today women are scared to leave rich men because of the power they have.
    G) She shot him because it was the only way out of the relationship

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