ENG 1101 Fall 2019

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  • DISCUSSION QUESTIONS for How Much Immigration 3/30 and 4/1
  • #59456

    L Wu

    You will do a TOTAL of 3 QUESTIONS, so 3 paragraphs (2 Qs in Part III and 1 Q in Part IV).

    Answer Q#1 and then choose another question. Each should be a paragraph.

    1. This section starts with the quote from economist Max Frisch: “We wanted workers, but we got people instead.” What is the problem with this way of looking at immigrants?

    2. What are some positive effects of immigration? What are some negative effects of immigration?

    3. Some people believe that immigrants take jobs from hard-working Americans. Do you agree/disagree? What type of jobs do they take? What is the result on Americans who are professionals? on the economy? on the workplace?

    4. Some people believe that immigrants bring crime and violence. What does Frum tell us about this? What do you think?

    5. Some people believe that immigrants take advantage of benefits and become a drain on our social welfare programs. Do you think this is true or not? What does Frum tell us? If it is true, what do you think is a solution for this?

    6. Frum tells us that immigrants have a negative effect on our education system and are lowering our country’s educational levels. Do you agree/disagree? Explain. Some people will say that this is related to their poor English speaking skills. Do you agree/disagree? Explain. What do you think is the solution to this?

    ANSWER either 1 or 2.

    Frum informs us that “America will continue to move rapidly toward greater ethnic diversity. Under today’s policies, the U.S. will become majority-minority in about 2044.”

    1.Frum quotes President Theodore Roosevelt and explains that Roosevelt disliked the idea of “hyphenated Americanism.” (You should remember this concept from our reading of “My Two Lives” by Jhumpa Lahiri.) President Theodore Roosevelt believed in a singular national identity — NOT based on one culture’s supremacy, but on patriotic equality.

    Here are the words of President Roosevelt:
    The children and children’s children of all of us have to live here in this land together. Our children’s children will intermarry, one with another, your children’s children, friends, and mine. They will be the citizens of one country.

    QUESTION: How should we think of those who come as immigrants to America?

    2. The main idea in the article is that America’s immigration system is not working and that our country is “splintering apart.” At the very end of his essay, Frum proposes a solution to our immigration problems and a way to achieve unity. What is his solution?

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by L Wu.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by L Wu.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by L Wu.
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