
You are currently viewing a revision titled "Final Project Ideas - Many more can be chosen", saved on November 3, 2013 at 8:06 am by Henry LaBoy
Final Project Ideas - Many more can be chosen
  MoleMash recreation - AppInventor   Turtle recreation - Python   cOMPLEX MATH algorithm   electronVolt conversion to joule   convolution /correlation   graphics processing   calculate tax rate   calculate mortgage/vehicle loan payments   timer/stopwatch   animation   physics problem solving   data mining   sports games predictions   weather predictions   Pressure=Force/Area calculation for hydraulic system   Fourier Series: HOw many sine waves will it take to make a square wave and what would its amplitude be?   Electrical Circuits: Calculating number of Independent Loops relationship with Number of Nodes?   Program for a traffic light system   Program for converting from polar to rectangular and from rectangular to polar.  Also plotting   Program for converting from CM circular mils to square mils ViceVersa   Program for

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November 3, 2013 at 1:06 pm Henry LaBoy