EDU3640 – WH72 — Project 4

On this section, you will found the different discussion topics for this class:


DB02-Analyzing an EdTech Solution


Provide a recent example of a trending educational technology solution that explains the benefits, as well as any drawbacks that could occur from implementation in the classroom.

A recent example of a trending educational technology is Google Classroom.  Google Classroom can be considered as a free Learning Management system. One of the goals Google is by incorporating different educational tools that enable learners to communicate with teachers more effectively as well as sharing classroom documents, assignments and projects .  In fact, it also helps to organize and distribute every type of work in different ways. This method is more sustainable and helps the environment more by reducing pollution. It is important to note that there are some advantages and disadvantages Google Classroom can bring into the learning environment. Some of the advantages are that it is pretty easy to use and accessible from all devices, students can use their phone as well as their laptops or computer classroom to complete their work.  Also, there is no need for paper so students can save money and save the plane by reducing the use of physical paper and is easier for educators to provide feedback for student work. However, there might be some disadvantages for beginners as there is different account management. Students have to create a new account and can’t use their existing account they might have. This could lead to cconfusions among students since they might not always rremember the ppassword for multiple accounts. Also, there are no automated quizzes and tests since Google classroom is better suitable for a blended learning experience than a fully online program (Pappas, 2015).  


Pappas, C (2015, August).  Google Classroom Review: Pros and Cons of Using Google Classroom in eLearning.  Retrieved from 


DB05-Communication With Parents

Create a table that assesses the benefits and drawbacks of the following types of technology for communicating with parents: Emailing Newsletters, Phone Blasts (Mass Recorded Phone Calls), Mail Merging Letters, Parent Video Conferences, or Social Media.


**For this part, please go to Files Section and this assignment will be posted there as Comparison Table



DB08- Empowering Students Using Technology for Alternate Learning

Select a gamification solution that you might use for your own classes, describe the rationale for using this specific tool in your setting, as well as the method you will use it to foster greater student engagement.


One gamification I would use for one of my classes would be Kahoot!.  Kahoot is an useful way that could be used as an icebreaker for the beginning of each class.  Since my class will be a technology class, using Kahoot will be an active way to engage students with one another because Kahoot is considered a game-based learning (Gibson, 2015).  However, Kahoot can be used for all different subjects as it is user-generated (This means that the teacher can update it based on the subject/requests). Kahoot can be accessed via a web browser or the Kahoot app where the students can participate. Kahoot can be considered as an effective classroom activity since it mandates students to participate and collaborate with each other.  However, one downside is that it requires every student to have their own mobile device to participate (Lipp, 2015), but if there are enough resources available in the school, every student can have their own device to participate in the class activity. For my own class, I will use Kahoot in the very beginning of my class so I can wake up students and get their attention. I will use different subjects for the content such as new current trends, worldwide events or even my own subject but I will plan to make this respectful and set boundaries from the very beginning so students are aware of what to do and what not to do.  My hope is by using Kahoot daily in the very beginning of each class, I can encourage students to participate in the class, engage with the class’ content of the day, debate among each other and create a safe space where students can express their thoughts and ideas. By doing this, students will hopefully be more motivated and retain more knowledge from the class.

DB11- Considering Activities that Align with Standards

Learning Standard

“NGLS 11-12SL5: Make strategic use of digital media and/or visual displays in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence, and to add elements of interest to engage the audience.”


Students will work in teams and they will work on the technical process to design a specific building, floor plan or structure via Revit or AutoCAD.  During their project, students will work in designing a building by following specific guidelines and explore different features of the software such as adding component features( this means that type of windows, door, furniture, desks, roof type, …etc).  Students will be given a timeline and the class time will also be divided so they can work in the presentation part where they have to discuss the different challenges they encountered such as the type of materials, the position of different components and make crucial decisions to make the presentation more engaging towards the classroom.  This means students will research more about the different techniques for presentation and become familiar with presentation skills.

Technology Infusion through the SAMR Model

I will be choosing Powerpoint as the focus for technology but would use external resources so students can get additional information about the different uses of Powerpoint. In addition, students would be using different tools such as the camera option from revit or the walk-through so they are familiar with the presentation part of Revit as well as including it into Powerpoint.  Presenting and communicating effectively is an important part of the workforce, students will become familiar with new skills and include the content of the class into their presentation, then they will divide the task and make sure they present them to the entire class.  In fact, being familiar to transmit information from technical into a presentation allows the audience to be more educated, moved and motivates them with different purposes.  Some of these technical skills can vary from visual aids, to body language and vocal techniques or finding the best way to get the attention of your audience.  

Works Cited

Effective Technical Presentation Skills Training Course. (n.d.). Retrieved May 21, 2020, from






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