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  • Day One HW
  • #76791


    I can relate to both the video and article because of the pronunciation of my name as well. Let me give you an example as to how my name is pronounced in different languages. In English, my name is Jer-emy, In Spanish my name is pronounced either hedemia or jedemi or yedemi. All in all, I would get made fun of because of the pronunciation of my name as a youth. The main kids that would primarily bully me were the Hispanic kids. Hispanics specifically because I to am Hispanic and speak Spanish. They would make fun of me by pronouncing my name in Spanish (which isn’t bad) but the majority would laugh when they heard it due to the fact that no one really has heard my name in a different language. I can relate to Mohammed for the pronunciation of words. I can relate to Hassan because of the weight that came with a name pronounced differently America.

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