E-Portfolio CTE Student Starter Template

active 12 years, 8 months ago
E-Portfolio CTE Student Starter Template
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School / Office
Arts & Sciences, Professional Studies, Technology & Design
Project Description

This is an E-Portfolio Template created for the use of CTE students.


This project was created by: Prof. Paul King

Recent Posts

Sept. 21, 2011 - Posting Guidelines

Below is a set of sample posts.  The goal is for each student to keep a running a journal of th […] See MoreSept. 21, 2011 - Posting Guidelines

Sept. 8, 2011 - In the classroom

Today was my first day in a classroom in front of a group of students.  I was nervous at first […] See MoreSept. 8, 2011 - In the classroom

Sept. 6, 2011 - Newest goes on top

It's me again.  This will take some getting used to. In my hand journal my most recent post is […] See MoreSept. 6, 2011 - Newest goes on top

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