Din­ing Room Op­er­a­tions

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  • Janet Lefler Dining Room
  • #57936


    Janet Lefler Din­ing Room


    To: Pro­fes­sor Abreu, Di­rec­tor of ser­vice
    From: Jas­min Ledesma
    Date: Feb­ru­ary 27, 2020

    Restau­rant re­view of Caleta 111 by an ex­pert of a fine restau­rant, Peter Wells. He talks about his ex­pe­ri­ence after vis­it­ing this restau­rant. The restau­rant Caleta 111 is a Pe­ru­vian restau­rant, Peter Wells tells that the restau­rant is a “Most are mod­est in spirit and un­pre­pos­sess­ing in ap­pear­ance”. In other words, this restau­rant lacks an ap­peal­ing ap­pear­ance, but it has a hum­ble at­mos­phere. He de­scribes the restau­rant as small as a park­ing space, but very am­bi­tious. Luis Ca­ballero is the chef and owner. He wears Pe­ru­vian style hats while he makes his ce­viches and causas. Pete wells de­scribes the Cause dish as “to es­cape the grav­i­ta­tional pull of the mashed pota­toes they are built upon. It is trick­led over chori­tos a la Cha­laca, chilled mus­sels in their green-edged shells under a mound of raw Pe­ru­vian salsa”. The in­gre­di­ent prin­ci­pal of his dishes is lime juice, what makes his lime juice dif­fer­ent is the other in­gre­di­ent that he added which are gin­ger, gar­lic, cilantro, and mighty ro­coto pep­per and chiles all of this com­bine is what the owner calls Tiger milk. In gen­eral, his dishes are seafood on the menu with the men­tion of two desserts that are only avail­able on week­ends.
    Restau­rants like these that are hum­ble and am­bi­tious are very ap­peal­ing to me. They help make a visit more mem­o­rable with their unique dishes and wel­com­ing staff.

    “Pro­vid­ing Over 70 Years of Qual­ity Ser­vice to the Hos­pi­tal­ity In­dus­try”

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