CST4713 Dynamic Web Development

You are currently viewing a revision titled "Final project Shopping Cart", saved on May 25, 2016 at 7:37 am by fatima chebchoub
Final project Shopping Cart
In this project, we did implement a basic shopping cart application: -We have one Admin, who can add, edit and delete items(so a regular user can not be able to destroy or edit inventory items ). -Users can log in and add items to the cart. After they finish shopping , they can replace the order. -When an order is placed, items are correspondingly affected in the inventory, the quantity of the item in the inventory it reduced based on the order.   Github link:  https://github.com/cst4713-d766/project-2-shopping-cart-fatimacheb Heroku link: lit-plains-32271.herokuapp.com/

Old New Date Created Author Actions
May 25, 2016 at 4:08 pm Raffi Khatchadourian
May 25, 2016 at 11:37 am fatima chebchoub