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Re: Design Team
Sam (Malone) Rubright []
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2017 3:14 PM
Hi Mary (Ted please see specific questions in my text below),
1.     Is the audience you want to reach in the USA, North America or global?
Our primary audience is in the US, but we do want to be able to connect with people where drilling may occur globally.
2.     What kind of ethnicity are you trying to reach?
No specific ethnicity – all
3.     What type of people are more interested in fracking data?
Researchers (academic, governmental, and non-profit), students, reporters, concerned residents
4.     What data content do you want to show in infographics?
We could show pretty much any of our data in infographic form. I believe Ted mentioned the frack sand mining being of particular interest to him. We would love if you could utilize screenshots of our existing maps where possible.
5.     What copy or content ideas do you want included in infographics; we can develop copy if needed, we need direction about what specific messages you want to send out with specific data assets. Since our group is not completely familiar with all the important data, we’d like some guidance.
Ted will need to speak to this re: the frack sand mining data mentioned in #4.
6.     Please provide site map so that we know full extent of the site and can save time when searching out additional assets
Alas, we do not have a site map, but here is where data can be found:
A) Blog articles – (listed in descending order by date. Almost all of our site’s data can be found here, except for a few pieces stored in B and C below)
B) Oil & Gas by Location – (this then gets broken out into International content, National, and State-specific maps and data)
C) Photo Albums – (for visual data only)
7.     The Design Team would like to create a video asset (PSA)
Design Team can develop copy and visuals, but need collaboration and guidance regarding content; format will follow from content. (In other words, what would be the main idea of your 20-second message for a commercial?)
This would depend on the topic chosen in #4. Ted and I very much liked the PBS/sand dunes commercial’s format and tone that you all developed. Ted, could you elaborate here on the frack sand mining issue?
8.     Please let us know if you have people to support social media sites once they are set up (If it’s ZERO people and zero weekly/monthly work hours, please let us know and we will work on a strategy!)
We currently have FacebookTwitterInstagram, and LinkedIn social media accounts. I manage these with help from FracTracker staff. If your team could help us share our messaging from those accounts, by retweeting, sharing, etc. that would be extremely helpful!
Have I covered everything adequately?
On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 3:27 PM, Mary Kilkelly <> wrote:

Hi Ted and Sam,


Here is the brief that the students worked out after the conversation on Monday afternoon; it includes a list of questions, also included below. Their homework this week is to explore the Alliance web site and search for visual assets to use, and to start brainstorming visual ideas for branding.  We meet again on Wednesday, 2/15, at 2:30. It would be great to get answers to the questions by then. Let me know what’s possible. 






1.     Is the audience you want to reach in the USA, North America or global?

2.     What kind of ethnicity are you trying to reach?

3.     What type of people are more interested in fracking data?

4.     What data content do you want to show in infographics? 

5.     What copy or content ideas do you want included in infographics; we can develop copy if needed, we need direction about what specific messages you want to send out with specific data assets. Since our group is not completely familiar with all the important data, we’d like some guidance.

6.     Please provide site map so that we know full extent of the site and can save time when searching out additional assets

7.     The Design Team would like to create a video asset (PSA)
Design Team can develop copy and visuals, but need collaboration and guidance regarding content; format will follow from content. (In other words, what would be the main idea of your 20-second message for a commercial?)

8.     Please let us know if you have people to support social media sites once they are set up (If it’s ZERO people and zero weekly/monthly work hours, please let us know and we will work on a strategy!)


I also want to let you know that I have contacts for the software and CUNY startup groups, and will pass along the photo archive wish list to them, explain what our two teams are doing together,  and see what they can do regarding a collaboration. 








Mary Beth Kilkelly

Adjunct Instructor

Communications Design

CUNY/The New York City College of Technology

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