COMD3504 COMD Theory SP24 (Thurs 2:30pm)

Profile picture of Jenna Spevack

Week 1 Reminder

Posted by: Jenna Spevack
Posted on: January 30, 2024 at 11:04 pm

Hello all,

If you haven't already, please review the Week 1 Agenda, complete the tasks, and submit your checklist before our next meeting on Thursday. If you have any questions, please reach out.

This week's ART OF NOTICING task has been set by Luke and Rian!

Imbue Your World With Spirits: Practice a Shinto-influenced take on noticing by maintaining “a single point of concentration.” … We can imbue everything with a little spirit (or soul)… focus on one thing, and search for the “sacred” within it.

All the best,
