COMD1112 Digital Media Foundations

active 7 months, 1 week ago
COMD1112 Digital Media Foundations
This Course is OPEN.
Communication Design
Course Code
Semester / Year
Fall 2023
Course Description

Introduces students to core technical concepts underlying all digital media. Students work with a variety of software, incorporating the scientific principles discussed during lecture, and explore pertinent industry resources. One field trip is an integral part of the course so students can witness firsthand professional work in an artistic or commercial setting.


This course was created by: John Lefteratos

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Recent Announcements

Profile picture of John Lefteratos

Next Phase of The Visual Quote Project due this Friday, 10/13/23

Posted by: John Lefteratos
Posted on: October 10, 2023 at 1:24 pm

These are instructions for the next class:


Phase 1, continued: Continue to refine your visual quote. If you have sketches, tighten up your sketches and think about what tools you want to use to execute your visual quote in digital format. (Final piece will be a jpeg file. Begin to create your design using any application of your choice. (Photoshop, Illustrator,… See More