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  • Color Triads and Value scale project
  • #57460

    Carol Diamond

    Color tri­ads and value scale

    11”x14” Bris­tol
    8”x12” de­sign, out­side bor­der (1, 1/5”) NO BOR­DERS IN­SIDE DE­SIGN
    De­sign in­cludes 2 columns and 3 rows of 4”x4” squares

    2 columns sep­a­rate light val­ues and dark val­ues (mid­dle val­ues in­cluded in each)
    1st row is Pri­mary Color Triad – red, yel­low, blue
    2nd row is Sec­ondary color Triad- or­ange, green, vi­o­let
    3rd row is Achro­matic palette – blacks, white, gray.

    De­sign the com­po­si­tion by mak­ing some­what ran­dom lin­ear move­ments across rec­tan­gle, over­lap­ping lines so that many shapes de­velop – must have at least 6 shapes per square.

    Paints are from your sup­ply list palette – ma­genta, yel­low, blue, white, black

    Study color wheel fully – must know all vo­cab­u­lary fully.

    To mix:
    Red = ma­genta + yel­low
    Or­ange= ma­genta + yel­low
    Green= blue + yel­low
    Vi­o­let= ma­genta + blue

    Shade = color +black
    Tint = color + white
    Tone= color + gray

    Shades, tints and tones are used to change the VALUE of a color.

    Re­mem­ber yel­low is a very light color, so on the dark col­umn your yel­low will look green­ish.
    Or­ange is much lighter than red; make sure they are very dif­fer­ent. Study the color wheel.
    Add white a pale grays to hues for LIGHT col­umn
    Add medium grays to hues for DARK col­umn

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