Col­lege Coun­cil Tech­nol­ogy Com­mit­tee

active 7 months ago
College Council Technology Committee
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School / Office
Arts & Sciences, Professional Studies, Technology & Design
College, Faculty
Project Description

“This committee shall be responsible for making recommendations to the college administration regarding instructional, academic, and administrative technology throughout the college. It is also responsible for evaluation of current technological infrastructure of the college. Other college-wide committees with a primary focus on technology will maintain an active relationship with and provide resource personnel to the technology committee. To further this goal, the technology committee shall be represented on all college-wide committees dealing with instructional, academic, and administrative technology. Each academic year it shall produce an evaluative report on at least one important area of its purview.”
-Article V, D.14 of the NYCCT College Governance Plan


This project was created by: Monica Berger