You are currently viewing a revision titled "Chemistry 1100 Lab Manual", saved on June 16, 2016 at 7:58 am by Prof. Tewani
Chemistry 1100 Lab Manual
      SAFETY GOGGLES MUST BE WORN IN THE LAB AT ALL TIMES!   Emergency Phone Number: (718) 260-5555   Disclaimer: Experiments herein are written/modified for NYCCT students. No claim of originality is being made.  
1 Safety, Orientation, and Check-in
2 Scientific Notation and Measurements
3 Density
4 Separation of a salt and sand mixture
5 Solutions (Salt water Analysis & Solubility of KNO3)
6 Specific Heat of a Metal
7 Analysis of a Hydrate
8 Analysis by Precipitation
9 Thermal Decomposition of Baking Soda
10 Analysis of Vinegar
11 Analysis of an Antacid
12 Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions
13 Melting Point
14 Visible Spectrum and Light Transmission
15 Check-out and Lab Exam
  Last Name_____________________       First_____________________ Drawer#_______________ Combination#_____________________ Laboratory Partner’s Name:__________________________________ Chem1110 L, Section:___________Prof :_____________________ Office Hours:__________________Room#_____________________    

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June 16, 2016 at 11:58 am Prof. Tewani