Charles Mandell’s ePortfolio

Charles Mandell

Culmination Project Proposal




We will be creating a car video commercial. This commercial will be showcasing a car and go in depth on what it features and the capabilities of it. We will need a pre planning which will consist of creating a gant chart but also for the video, we will need to create a storyboard and shot list and a script if needed. Our timeline is going to be around 3-4 weeks to complete this project which includes pre production, production, and post production. 




The background of this proposal was Brannon brought up the idea to me as he knew that I was involved a lot with cars and wanted to create something with it. I had agreed to his idea a couple semester’s ago as we both knew we would be taking Project Management together and would want to work on this project the following semester. We have been discussing ideas ever since on different ways we can achieve this project. 




We have Me, Brannon Law and Darnell McKenzie on our management team. I will be the creative director as well as one of the cinematographers. Brannon will be the other cinematographer as well as one of the editor’s. Darnell will be our sound engineer and will also be one of the editors. I will also be responsible for obtaining a car to use in this project. As I will be the cinematographer for this project, I will have to come up with different types of shots that will help create a storyline for this video. I will have to help determine the best angle, focal length and multiple other shooting aspects to make the shots look visually pleasing to our audience. I will also be the director of this project which requires me to make sure that we are up to date with our calendar and getting our tasks done productively. 


Director Cinematographer Video Editor Sound Engineer
Charles Charles Darnell Darnell
Brannon Brannon






I think the results of our project will show how well we were able to follow our plans and stay on time with our schedule. As a team, it will be very important on how well we communicate with each other especially during post production to achieve the results that we want. Overall, we predict that this will be a good idea for our project and have good results with it.




I think that the results of this project will be a key opportunity to adjust anything that we need to work on or improve for the future. It will allow us to test out new procedures that will make the process smoother for the whole team. We will focus not only on the completion of the project, but also ways of improving the process.


Project Description


As this project will be showcasing the features of a car, we will be working together as a team with different roles to achieve the commercial. We will either be using my car, which is a 2020 Mustang, or because I am connected to many people with high end cars, we have the option of getting ahold of one of theirs. We are likely to have a voiceover narrating the storyline of the features of the car. If we do not have a voiceover, there will be music being played as an overlay. We want to incorporate our knowledge for film, sound and editing into this project and challenge ourselves into creating a unique video commercial. We want to aim this project to people that are both interested in cars and people that are also interested in seeing the creative visualization and storytelling of other people. For me, this will help guide me into my future with being in the automotive media industry, for example, working with high end car companies for commercials or even my dream job of doing either photography or videography for Formula 1 Racing. 






Will be responsible for making sure everything is going on time and smoothly.




Will be responsible for creating a shot list, storyboard, equipment list, and the script. Will be the person operating the camera during production. 


Sound Engineer:


Will be responsible for sound during production and editing audio during post production. 




Responsible for compiling all the files from the production, skimming through each and picking out what will be used in the final video. Will then put together all the clips and create the final commercial. 


Required Resources


Our required resources include a car, which is a 2020 Ford Mustang that will be provided by me. All of our video resources will be supplied by my own equipment. This includes the camera, lenses, shotgun microphone, the stabilizer for the camera and a drone. We also will be using Avid Media Composer, Adobe Premiere Pro, and DaVinci Resolve Studio for our post-production editing. The camera equipment is listed below.




Canon EOS R6 $3,000

Canon 6D Mark II(Backup Camera) $1,400

GoPro Hero 4 $200




Canon 85mm f/1.2 $700

Canon 24mm f/1.4 $400

Canon 50mm f/1.4 $300

Tamron 24-70mm f/2.8 $1,300

Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 $1,200




Rode VideoMic $150




DJI Phantom 4 $1200




DJI Ronin S $550





On-Camera light




We will start pre production on August 1st, 2022. This process will take 2 full days to complete. It will include making sure all the equipment is ready, creating the shot list and storyboard, and location scouting. On August 5th, we will start production of our commercial. This will be a few days of filming, depending on the weather we will have one week of production. On August 13th, we will start our post production. This will be the most time consuming which will take about 2 full weeks to complete. 




Start Date End Date Duration(Days)
Script Writing 8/01/22 8/04/22 3
Crew Meeting For Script 8/05/22 8/07/22 2
Complete Script 8/08/22 8/11/22 3
Film Shoot 8/12/22 8/20/22 8
Editing 8/21/22 8/25/22 4
Revise Editing 8/26/22 8/28/22 2
View Exported Video 8/29/22 8/30/22 1
Publish Video 8/31/22 9/01/22 1




Because we already have the camera equipment, sound equipment and car, we will only be paying for subscriptions to each of the necessary editing softwares. These softwares include Adobe Premiere which is $20 a month, Avid Media Composer which is $10 a month, and then DaVinci Resolve Studio which is a set price of $295. 


Equipment Cost
Car —Personal Vehicle—
Camera —Personal Equipment—
Microphone —Personal Equipment—
External Recorder —Personal Equipment—
Avid Media Composer ~$10 /month
DaVinci Resolve Studio ~$295
Adobe Premiere Pro ~$20 /month


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