CET 4711 Final Project: Missile Launcher

active 11 years, 9 months ago
CET 4711 Final Project: Missile Launcher
This Project is OPEN.
School / Office
Technology & Design
Project Description

Use Arduino and circuit to control missile launcher, By: Huan Yang, Wai Tso, Zhiyong Rong

In our final project, we are working on Missile launcher controller. To control the missile launcher, first we need to study on the Arduino which is a microcontroller that designed to make the process of using electronics in multidisciplinary projects more accessible. We will use the Arduino to control the power source in the circuit which is the second part for our project. Second, we need to build a circuit which is receive the power source, and transfer the power source to the motors. Finally, we have to figure out the control system which the motor has two different directions.

The following links is our final project video on youtube:


This project was created by: Huan Yang

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Arduino Code

•int val=255; •int v_motor = 3; //vertical motor •int h_motor = 5; //horizontal motor •int f_motor = 6; //firing motor • •void setup() { •  Serial.begin(115200); •  Serial.println(F("Enter the following command to control motors")); •  Se See MoreArduino Code

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