CDMG1111 D306 FALL 2017 Goetz

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  • Article Review: THE MET AND A NEW LOGO
  • #44525

    Ammar Krcic

    After reading the article based on the Metropolitan museum changing their logo, I found it very interesting as to why so many people didnā€™t like the logo, until I scrolled back to the top of the website to get a better look of it. For this, I would say Iā€™m neutral. I donā€™t hate it, but i do like it in a way.

    The reason why I like it is because its simple and straight to the point. It has an elegant feeling to it. After all, I believe that design should be simple yet creative to express the ideas of the designer of what product they want to show. Now, to explain why I believe itā€™s not so great is that the text doesnā€™t line up with one another. The ā€˜Tā€™ from ā€˜THEā€™ doesnā€™t line up with the ā€˜Mā€™ from ā€˜METā€™ the same goes for the letters ā€˜Eā€™ and ā€˜Tā€™. After taking a class in Typography 1 last semester, I learned that designing with text has rules and certain rules are made to make sure your design isnā€™t crazy. I feel like every letter is overpowering one another when it is combined (with kerning) to the point that youā€™re eyes are overwhelmed when itā€™s trying to match the pieces of the ā€œTHE METā€.

    Overall, what Iā€™ve learned while studying this logo would be that there are different ways to creating logoā€™s even if there is going to be controversy out there. If you take a look at David Brodsky, the museumā€™s chairman, he kept his cool and said that he loves the new design. Heā€™s proudly standing up for it even if there are people out there that donā€™t like it. It just shows that you should never give up on a logo you make, that you should stick with it even if you feel itā€™s the best choice and this really helped me learn that I should always keep anything from sketches, designs, etc. even if they donā€™t look as great because I could make them better in the future.



    I think you took away from this article is very important: that there will always be those who don’t like the new approach but it is important to stand by a solution.

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