BIO2312 lab Fall 2020

Blood Group Identification Activity

19-09_1.jpg: On this image, it has four blood samples with four blood types: A+, B+,  AB+, and O-. In columns Anti-A, Anti-B, and Anti-D, it shows that in the presence of different surface antigens, the blood sample changes its form.

19-09_2.jpg: This image shows blood samples in different forms. From left to right is the blood sample, Anti-A, Anti-B, and Anti-D.

Lab Activity Blood

19-05_2.jpg: This image shows RBC formation in the red bone marrow and the release of those cells into the bloodstream. When the RBC lives for 120 days, hemolysis occurs. Hb that is not phagocytized break down and goes through the kidneys and is expelled through urine.

19-06_2.jpg: This image is the stages of Erythropoiesis. Day 1: Proerythoblasts. Next is Erythroblasts that separates into three days: Day 2: Basophilic erythroblast, Day 3: Polychromatophilic erythroblast, then Day 4: Normoblasts that ejects the nucleus that it has been carrying since day 1. After that is Days 5-7: Reticulocyte, which enters the bloodstream and turns into a mature RBC.

19-08_2.jpg: The top image shows the blood types: A, B, AB, and O and the antibodies they have in their plasma. Type A has Anti-B antibodies, type B has Anti-A antibodies, type AB has neither Anti-A antibodies nor Anti-B antibodies, and type O has both Anti-A antibodies and Anti-B antibodies. The bottom image shows what happens when a surface antigen and opposing antibodies come together. Which leads to agglutination and hemolysis.

19-10_2.jpg: In this image, it shows the Rh+ mothers’ blood and the fetal Rh- blood separated by the placenta for the first pregnancy. The next image below that shows the mothers’ blood supply being exposed to the fetal blood supply due to hemorrhaging. What occurs in the last image is hemolytic disease of the newborn, where the Anti-Rh antibodies the mother has, crossed the placenta and into the fetal bloodstream and causes agglutination and hemolysis.

19-11_2.jpg: These are the five different types of WBCs. From left to right is Neutrophil(a), Eosinophil(b), Basophil(c), Monocyte(d), and Lymphocyte(e).