BIO2312 Human Anatomy and Physiology 2 Summer2(2020)

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  • Cardiovascular system
  • #64261


    What are the factors that regulate the heart function?


    Nino Tskhadaia

    There are a lot of factors that regulate the heart rate, such as lifestyle, smoking, exercise, and a lot more. for example, Smoking damages every part of your body either by cancers some of which are lung cancer and pancreatic cancer or by chronic diseases such as heart disease, blindness, or stroke. It causes about 3,000 deaths from lung cancer and tens of thousands of deaths from heart disease to nonsmoking adults in the United States per year. Our choices and lifestyle have a major effect on our health.
    * As discussed in class, breathing exercises are also amazing to regulate the heart rate by lowering stress and anxiety.
    * proper hydration is another key to regulating the heart rate.



    Factors affect cardiac regulate by changing heart rate and stroke volume. Primary factors include 1..blood volume reflexes, 2…autonomic innervation, and 3…hormones. Secondary factors include 1…extracellular fluid ion concentration 2…body temperature 3….emotions and the one age. etc..
    Heart rate is regulated by the following three factors :Chemicals such as hormones and ions can influence heart rate .
    Epinephrine, secreted by the adrenal medulla, and thyroid, secreted by the thyroid gland, increase heart rate. Abnormal blood concentrations of Na +, K +, and Ca 2+ interfere with muscle contraction..
    to make sure to a healthy heat rate eat healthy and stay active and also stay hydrated through out the day. etc.


    Altagracia Dupiton

    Body temperature is one of many factors that regulates the heart function..Elevated body temperature is called hyperthermia, and suppressed body temperature is called hypothermia. Slight hyperthermia results in increasing heart rate and strength of contraction. Hypothermia slows the rate and strength of heart contractions. This distinct slowing of the heart is one component of the many different factors that diverts blood to essential organs.If sufficiently chilled, the heart will stop beating.This technique may be employed during open heart surgery. Excessive hyperthermia and hypothermia will both result in death, as enzymes drive the body systems to cease normal function, beginning with the central nervous system.Therefore maintaining a stable body temperature is very important to regulate the function of the heart .


    Veronica D.

    There are a few factors that regulate the heart function such as keeping active the heart is a muscle that as any other muscle with excercise it is strengthen suchh as cardio workouts. Losing weight, eating healthy foods, no over eating, and avoiding stress and more. I choose to write about the importance of cardio workouts for the heart. Cardio excercises use a repetative contraction of large muscle groups to get the heart beating faster and it is the most beneficial to our cardiovascular system. Regular cardio workouts can strengthen our heart and blood vessels, improve the flow of oxygen throughout our body and can also lower our blood pressure and the chances and risks of a heart attack or failure.

    Veronica De La Cruz

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Veronica D..


    Our rate of exertion is the main factor that affects our heart rate during exercising. our heart rate and pulse increases when we are exercising. Our level of fitness affects our heart rate, which tends to increase if we are overweight. An increased resting heart puts more stress on our heart during and after working out. People with a high BMI may have serious health risks, including hypertension. If you have hypertension, you will have a higher heart rate and higher blood pressure, which will affect your ability to perform and recover from exercise safely. The more fatty tissue you have, the harder your heart has to work to push blood to that tissue.



    One of the several and most important factors that regulates heart function is one’s lifestyle. How you live your daily life can have affects that you might not realize at the moment and even in the future. Your lifestyle includes aspects such as diet and exercise. In terms of exercise, it always help to do even the smallest bit of exercise. Whether it be a thirty minute walk a day of a full two hour workout. Any type of fitness activity can be very good for your heart health, strengthening your heart, improving circulation, and increasing oxygen levels in the body. Your diet plays a major role in the proper functioning of your heart. Foods low in saturated and trans fats are very good for you and your heart, reducing your cholesterol levels that could otherwise lead to the build up of plaques in the arteries. The build up of plaques in the arteries could lead to coronary artery diseases such as stroke. Adding lots of fruits and vegetables to your diet help to give your body more vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Exercise and a good diet are key in helping your heart function to the best of its ability by lessening the load and amount of work it has to do.



    Physical exercise is an important factor in regulating heart function. It has been shown that individuals who are regularly physically active have lower blood pressure and better insulin sensitivity, and often report better sleep patterns. When engaging in moderate exercise on a regular basis the heart becomes conditioned much like skeletal muscles do. While cardiac output and blood pressure increase during exercise, individuals who have adapted to a consistent regimen of exercise tend to have lower blood pressure and resting heart rate as well as less cardiac hypertrophy. Regular exercise combined with proper nutrition and avoidance of smoking or excessive alcohol consumption has been linked to a reduction in developing cardiovascular disease. Exercise has also been shown to help reduce stress, reduce chronic inflammation, and assist in the management of weight, all of which can affect heart health. Although there are many factors that can affect heart function, exercise is one that has direct effects through physical conditioning, as well as indirect effects through weight control, reduction of stress and management of blood sugar. Even individuals with limited mobility and movement restrictions should aim to incorporate some level of physical exercise into their daily routine.



    Sex and age can affect the heart function. The heartbeat of females is generally faster than that of
    males. Body temperature can also affect the heart function. If your body temperature increases, your heart rate can also increase. Decreased body temperature can slow down heart rate. Exercising can affect your heart rate, while your excercising it can go up to 150bpm. Thyroid hormones also increases cardiac takes a while to notice but too much of thyroxin can trigger tachycardia.


    Marissa Hill

    Regulation of cardiovascular function

    1. Auto regulation – Blow flow can alter their own arteriole resistance. For example, autoregulation in the coronary artery circulation maintains constant blood flow a perfusion pressures between 60-180mm hg.

    2. Neural mechanisms- baroreceptors a chemoreceptors. Baroreceptors detect change in pressure. For example, when someone goes from sit to stand the baroreceptors respond to shifts in blood volume. This reflex promptly increases heart rate and constricts the systemic arterioles. when baroreceptos cannot adjust , there is a decrease in systolic and diastolic pressure. Orthostatic hypotension is one example of when these receptors are not working properly. Chemoreceptors detect change in o2 and co2 levels in the arterioles. They are responsible for respiration rate to maintain normal PH.
    Parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for releasing ach which causes a decrease in HR.

    3. Endocrine mechanisms also regulate the arteriole pressure. When blood volume has decreased due to loss of fluid or hemorrhage the RAAS system kicks in a causes vasoconstriction. Natiuretic peptide hormones are the antagonist of this system and promote vasodilation.
    T3 activates gene for norepinephrine receptors which increases HR.



    Lack of hydration. As you become increasingly dehydrated during a long walk, climb, or run, your blood becomes thicker and squander items develop in circulation system. Your heart will work more earnestly to keep up consistent cardiovascular output. A fluid loss of 3% of body weight increases pulse rate because of decrease in circulating blood volume.


    Kelechi Egele

    Generally , there are various measurements that are used to regulate or monitor the heart function which includes the Cardiac Output (mL/min), the Stroke Volume (mL/beat) and the Heart rate (beats/min). The Cardiac output is the volume of blood pumped by each of the ventricles of the heart in one minute and it can be calculated by multiplying the Stroke volume with the the heart rate. The mechanisms that thus modify the heart rate and the stroke volume include the extrinsic and intrinsic regulations. The intrinsic regulation of the heart involves mechanisms taking place in the heart. The Extrinsic regulation are mechanisms taking place external to the heart and they could come in form of the Neural or endocrine mechanisms regulating the heart’s function. In terms of the Neural mechanism, the Baroreceptors play an important role in monitoring or responding to changes in the blood pressure. They keep the heart rate and stroke volume under normal ranges. In terms of the endocrine or chemical regulation, chemoreceptors detect the changes in the pH or chemical level of the blood. For example, Norepinephrine and Epinephrine stimulate the sympathetic nervous system and cause the heart to speed up it’s rate while Acetylcholine (ACh) stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, therefore causing a lower heart rate.



    There are lot of factors that regulate heart function and one of the main is lifestyle which includes, smoking, food, and exercise. These three components can help determine a persons risk for heart disease. Smoking is the major risk factor but can be controlled by stopping and once stopped the risk began to come down very rapidly. The second component is diet, food, can have a very big impact on our heart health. Eating healthy and reasonable something like mediterranean diet that incorporate more fruits, nuts and vegetables into the diet and eating less heavy saturated fat can be very helpful for the heart. Stress and lack of activity can also harm our heart. Exercise not only improves our weight but can also help reduce stress. Just doing a regular exercise can make a huge difference.



    Cardiac muscles, nerves, and cells will determine the heart’s function. Overall, things like oxygen levels, muscle strength and nerve conduction will produce either good or bad response of the heart. Many factors will show this such as: exercise, eating, smoking, and other lifestyle choices. To be more exact let’s start with exercise. Exercise will train the heart muscle to pump blood stronger and more efficient creating a much better and stronger heart for the life ahead. Eating certain foods affect the heart as well. Too much fats and oils will ultimately clog your vessels leading to your heart. Making it much harder to give the life sustaining blood to profuse around the body. A clog artery will kill you by stopping the heart in other words heart attack. Then there’s smoking, which increase heart rate abnormally and tightens the arteries. In essences, it is wasteful energy being used by the heart with no benefits to the heart. In conclusion, there are many factors that affect a heart’s ability to thrive such as exercise, what foods you eat, and lifestyle choices.


    Caroline Atieku

    Many factors regulate the heart function. Primary factors include blood volume reflex, autonomic innervation and hormones. In the blood volume reflex, the Bainbridge reflex is an increase in heart rate. This acceleration in heart rate occurs due to an increase in central venous pressure. In other terms it occurs because of an increase in blood pressure in, or increased dilation of the large systemic veins and the right upper chamber of the heart. Included in the primary factors regulating heart function is the two branches of the autonomic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system releases hormones (epinephrine and norepinephrine) to accelerate heart rate. The parasympathetic nervous system releases hormones (acetylcholine) to slow heart rate. Secondary factors that can regulate heart function includes body temperature, emotions, fitness levels, sex and age. Emotions and anxiety can raise your heart rate. Factors such as body temperature can affect heart rate also. If the body becomes too hot/ cold your body gets into stress mode. Blood gets sent to skin to enhance heat transfer to cool you down or increase blood flow to warm you. According to readings, temperatures above 70 degrees and below 35 degrees will increase the heart rate at least 2-4 beats per minute.

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