Being in Brooklyn

My location choice is the Brooklyn War Memorial.It’s one of the Cadman Plaza parks. Here are the directions to get their:  When you get out of the college from the Namm Building, You head north on Jay Street towards Tillary Street. Then turn left onto Tillary Street. Then turn right onto Cadman Plaza W.Then turn right at Clark Street. Then turn left and then finally you will reach your destination.
This monument is dedicated to the ones who died serving the during the war. The memorial was meant to be a larger plan to show this area of Brooklyn, which included the Brooklyn Civic Center building, new municipal facilities, and expanding housing opportunities.
The Quote’s I’m using from City Limits are:
  • ” Maybe we become New Yorkers the day we realize that New York will go on without us.”
  • “History books and public television documentaries are always trying to tell you all sorts of “facts” about New York.”
I chose these quotes because they relate to my location choice. The second quote really relates to this because this monument is history. These are the people who helped out during the World War II. It shows interesting facts about New York City. The first quote it basically says how no matter where we are in the worl…New York City will never change. It will remain the way it is. This relates to the Brooklyn War Memorial because even though the people who died during the war New York still kept on going. it didn’t stop because of them. So for their honor, this monument was built.

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