ARCH1231 BTECH I, FA2019

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  • Concept Map Reflection
  • #54664


    The concept map displays that there is more to architecture than ā€œjust a buildingā€. It consists of a diverse set of principles which includes functionality, creativity, and reliability. These set of principles can be categorized by three means: materials, structure, and space. For instance, in materials: concrete, steel, and wood can be used to create the product of the building as they all prove to be viable materials, but construction items for both the building and support . For structure different techniques can be applied to help support it- load bearing walls or a frame system. In space, circulation and stairs are key components that bring not only life into a room, but as well contribute to reliability as they provide easier methods of travel throughout a building. Furthermore, when one brings all these categories together, they have a sense of direction as of how to build the building.

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