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  • RE: 1121 History of Architecture Update
  • #59478


    Perez A.
    Kourani, K.
    Griffith, J.

    RE: Update from the Chairman of the Architecture Technology Dept.

    I sent a proper email to Chairman Vaidya, through NYCCT’s email system.

    As per message Professor Zagaroli is working on all his online classes. Student taking classes under his instruction should understand that the said instructor is also accommodating his personal life regarding not just the changes to the hybrid curriculum but also his own everyday matter in general.

    What I have understood from the chairman’s email is that all the faculty are currently working and learning methods on how to implement remote virtual classrooms and everyone in the CUNY and entirety of schools at least in the U.S. are scrambling to implement and continue the remainder of the semester. The department is also supporting their instructors and students alike.

    With Professor Zagaroli’s case he is working on it and the department is also supporting his implementation issues as well.
    I was directly told upon receipt of the email, that in the event that there is no movement with the said class to notify the chairman directly, that would be by March 31st this month.

    I am confident that Professor Zagaroli’s classes will restart soon.

    I will post any information as soon as I get notified.

    As a student I would suggest and encourage patience where possible to provide assistive performance and compliance when the class restarts.

    You are welcome to email the Chairman if you think there is a need to.
    Do address the matter professionally.

    Queries can be sent to the Dept directly if possible.

    There is no physical access to any school facility right now
    until the current situation is cleared by CDC and the State of New York.

    Perez Macks

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Prz_Macks. Reason: spell check
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Prz_Macks. Reason: spell check

    Robert Zagaroli 3rd

    I hope this finds everyone healthy and safe. First, thank you for your messages, and for the summary by Perez Macks. This has been an unprecedented and difficult time for all of us, my self included.

    I’m happy to announce that our Architectural History class will resume TODAY, at your usual class time, either 8:30 am or 11:30 am. We will use Zoom to meet and conference. Look for an email following this one with details.

    We can start the class with questions, technical adjustments, and related discussions.

    I plan to have a lecture and short writing task to issue during the class time. Support material will be here on Open Lab.

    We will continue to meet during the regular class time on Zoom though the end of the semester. I will also hold additional times when students can conference to review past lectures or material as needed. My office hour times will all continue to help with class work or with registration.

    Thank you for your patience, and I hope we can resume starting TODAY, April 6, 2020 at 8:30 am.

    Prof. Zagaroli


    Navdeep Kaur

    Dear Professor,
    I just wanted to ask more about the zoom information. What is the meeting ID we are using ?

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